Chapter 16

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This chapter has not been edited. If there is mistakes let me know, ill fix it all up. 

Hope you all enjoy. 

Ilove feedback... please dont make me beg for some ;) 



It’s been two weeks since Blake’s revelation; two long weeks of avoiding everybody. I know I’m acting like a child but I’m just so angry. How can Leanne and Will have such a negative impact on my life even when there not around? Leanne takes my mate; ripping my heart out and stomping on it. And just when I’m ready to fully give myself to another man; turns out she has her long claws sunk deep into him to! Can’t a girl catch a break? Sighing I shook my head, maybe I’m not meant to be happy with anyone?

Quit wallowing Eryn, shake it off! Stay alert; hunters could be lurking around”

“Rosie! Doesn’t this bother you though? Are we unlovable? You should be hurting just as bad as I am!”

“I am hurting love; but you wear your heart on your sleeve. Stop it, toughen up. We came here to get stronger; that means getting stronger on the inside as well. Don’t let this shit bother you… we have bigger problems right now. Focus on that; now get your head out of your ass and stay alert!”

I miss when you were soft” Shaking my head I decided that Rosie was right; as usual. I needed to toughen up; we did have bigger things to deal with.

Running the length of our border I couldn’t see or smell anything out of place. Turning around I ran the border again… and again. I did not feel like facing everyone and at least this way I knew I was contributing to the pack somewhat. Who knows maybe… ill start to like my fellow pack members?  Rosie snorted making us both giggle.

By midafternoon I was finally done. Putting on my clothes that I stuffed in a tree trunk I made my way back to the pack house to shower.

“I thought you would be out here all day; I was just getting ready to join you.”

I looked over at Will; he was leaning on the patio railing. His tight white long sleeve shirt showed off his defined stomach. How does he make something so simple look so delicious?

Remember Eryn; toughen up, he doesn’t bother us, he has no impact on us whatsoever”

“Okay Rosie, we will try it your way”

Looking over at Will I shrugged my shoulders

“No need William”

His eyebrows quirked up

 “William? … Why so formal Eryn? … Are we not friends?”

I crossed my arms in front of my chest and leaned against the railing; copying Will. Turning my head I looked into his eyes

“No William, we are most definitely not friends. You’re daft if you thought otherwise, you are more like a fly… you just keep buzzing around annoying everyone you come in contact with.”

His eyebrows furrowed; confusion written all over his face.

“I thought we were on some mutual ground. Eryn I know I hurt you but give us a chance!”

He took a step closer to me but I didn’t budge. I glared at him, hoping he could see how not likely that was.

“There is no us William. YOU made sure of that”

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