Chapter 18

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This is one of my shortest chapters yet! only 2000 words ... I tried to add more but it didnt want to flow smoothly... so this is it for now... but i had to get this chap out of the way before everything takes off.

Loving the comments!!... maybe if i get a few more I can upload a quick chap this afternoon? 0_0 ( yes thats me bribing ya'll) 

Dont give up on Blake... or Will... or... Is anyone even thinking of Jake? 

This chapter is unedited. If there are any mistakes please let me know - im planning on going through the book to fix everytinhg once it is completed!

 Enjoy <3





Leaving Uncle Bernie’s office it was already close to four in the morning and I was feeling it! I was dead on my feet and my brain felt like mush. We had a plan set in place; I am going to leave the pack house at 6pm – right after dinner. I will not be shifting at all; something Rosie was very pissed about. I think this is the longest I’ve never heard her talk. Sighing I glanced down at the paper in my hands; his name was Nolan Billings, leader of the hunter’s. His family was killed by rogues 10 years ago and it seems he has taken it upon himself to kill us all off. How he knew about wolfsbane we didn’t know but- although I didn’t raise my concern to my uncle – I think he has one of our pack members working with him. Me leaving will be kept a secret between myself, Bernie and the two pack members following me to our land border. I will conveniently run into Nolan hopefully in Brantford; but that’s all we got. The rest is up to me and I’m thinking of just winging it.

“Rosie… I know your pouting and what not but I would love to have you help when we leave… so please get over it fast it’s for our safety”

All I got was a grumble out of her… whatever. Stepping into my room I turned on the light to find some PJ’s; I didn’t expect Blake to be sitting on my bed. My heart broke looking at him; I was so busy with my Uncle Bernie I completely forgot about the clusterfuck I was in.

I stood rooted in my spot… was he sleeping? Did he fall asleep sitting up? Why wasn’t he with Leanne?  His eyes snapped up to me and… if it was even possible my heart broke a little more. His beautiful green eyes were red- like he had been crying. He didn’t try to hide the pain etched on his face.

I looked down at the floor, playing with an invisible thread

“I- I didn’t think you would be in here”

“I waited for you; we need to talk”

His voice didn’t match his face… he was… angry?

I looked up at him confused…

“No Blake we don’t need to… I know and I understand its okay… I – I told you if you left me for your… mate … id understand” I couldn’t help the way I said mate, she wasn’t worthy of being his other half.

He stood up and laughed- there was no trace of humor. Making me jump I looked at him more confused than ever. What is so funny? Why is he so angry?!

He started to pace my room- his eyes blazing.

“No Eryn your wrong we DO need to talk. It’s such a funny thing… I’ve been distraught… looking everywhere for you… and when I couldn’t find you I figured hey what the hell! I’ll wait in your bedroom.”

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