Chapter 6

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© 2013 by LifeAsIKnowIt. All rights reserved. 



I brought my foot up ready to kick Daniel in the groin instead of the punching bag. I know I’m not the best fighter out there, but my good ness he was making me feel like I have never even punched someone before. It’s been only one week of this torture. If it wasn’t for Rosie I probably would have quit by now.  Pride and all, I would have let Daniel win.


Getting into my stance I brought my fists up to my face. Training in human form is a lot harder than in wolf. At least when I’m in wolf form I’m able to rely on my heightened senses as guidance. Even I have to admit that Daniel is right, I’m too weak in human form.

Swinging my right fist out I hit the punching bag dead on.

“That was better Eryn. Pretty soon you might be able to leave a tiny bruise on me”

I rolled my eyes; he was way too full of himself

“Yes, well I’m sure if I had a better instructor id be advancing far more quickly”

Smirking at him I grabbed the water bottle and squirted it in my open mouth. I was drenched in sweat; I made the mistake of wearing yoga pants with a t-shirt when we first started. I almost passed out from the mixture of heat and the grueling workout. I felt much better today wearing my tight lulu shorts, and tight white sports bra. My long hair up in a high ponytail. I didn’t bother with make-up when working out, it would be such a waste so I usually opted for the all-natural look.  I would never admit it to Daniel but I was already feeling stronger; he really was a good instructor.

I watched Daniels retreating form, huh I guess I finally get the last wor-

“IAM the best instructor, like I said princess if you don’t like it, go cook in the kitchen. Although... I’m sure you would suck at that as well”

Puckering his lips and sending me a wink he started walking back out the door

“See ya tomorrow morning good look-in’”

“At least one of us is!” I shouted at his back

Good one Eryn, really, I’m sure that hurt him”

Sarcasm doesn’t suit you Rosie”

I hate to admit it, but that boy was starting to grow on me. I was starting to think of him as, well my wart. It’s annoying and sometimes awful to look at but if he were to leave or die, I’d miss him. Laughing at my reference I bent down to grab my towel and water bottle.

“Do you usually train in next to nothing?”

Shooting up and whipping around, I was surprised to see Mr.Green eyes leaning on the door frame… with no shirt on.  His voice is exactly what I thought it would sound like, deep and gruff but so alluring. Why is he so pretty?!

Oh lawd have mercy”

“Rosie…knock it off.”

Peeling my eyes off his chest I made sure to send the meanest glare I could  his way, like he has been doing to me the last week. I just couldn’t help the sarcasm that rolled off my tongue, I really did have too big of a mouth.

“I’m wearing workout clothes, they are kind of meant to be worn in a gym… working out. Do YOU usually work out in next to nothing?”

Waiting for an answer, I snorted and shook my head

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