Chapter 13

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 © 2013 by LifeAsIKnowIt. All rights reserved. 



Rolling over I went to grab Eryn but found her side of the bed cold. Sitting up I rubbed my eyes and glanced around letting the sheet fall to my bare legs. Why is she always sneaking off? Shaking my head I groaned, I never had such a problem with women before I met her. I was always the one to sneak away before they would wake after a night of sex; I suppose this is karmas way of laughing at me. 

I wonder if she is with Will… I dismissed the thought as soon as it ran through my head. I know they are mates but if I can see my ex-mate and turn the other way than I know she can, she is stronger than I ‘am.   I jumped into the shower and got ready for the day, throwing on my jeans and a plain tight black shirt I ran my hands through my hair and left our room.  

Grabbing a hot cup of coffee I sat down at the table with Alpha Bernie, he had a knowing smirk on his face; I shook my head, of course every member of both packs knew what we were up to last night Eryn was louder than usual.

“So, have a good night’s rest Blake?” the gleam in Bernie’s eyes told me he knew I didn’t do much sleeping.

“Sorry if we kept everyone up alpha” I was embarrassed, he knew that. I hated when other people knew of our business, I’m a private person but when it came to Eryn it seems everything is gone with the wind.

“So, you and Eryn seem to be very close… can I expect some pups soon?”

Choking on my coffee I turned to him with doe eyes, he burst out laughing stood up and clapped me on the back.

“You’re a good man Blake, remember that. You’ve come along way; it’s nice to see you out of your little shell. Eryn has brought some life back into you”

“Thanks Alpha” I kept my head down, he was right in every sense; but I hate to be reminded of my past.

“I would love to be able to call you my nephew once you two complete the mating bond. You would make an excellent alpha to the pack… and you would make a great father.”  With that Alpha Bernie squeezed his shoulder and went to leave the room. I kept my head down; I can’t believe he said all that!

“OH, sorry boy didn’t hear you come in”

Alpha Bernie’s voice snapped me out of my shocked state, looking up I came face to face with a pissed off Will, he looked like he was trying to calm his wolf down. How could this pathetic piece of shit be paired with Eryn? Looking back at Bernie he was smiling triumphantly at Will… he knew he was in the room. Bernie’s eyes met mine and he winked; turning back around he called back over his shoulder.

“I meant it Blake”

Looking back at Will, he took a seat across from me. I did not have the energy to deal with a waste of fur like him right now, it was too damn early.  

“I’m William Camp alpha of the CrystalNight pack, but everyone calls me Will”

I looked at his outstretched hand, slowly taking it with mine. He was big; like me but the resemblance stopped there – thank god for that. He had shaggy brown hair; wearing a designer shirt and washed out jeans… he was a good looking guy id give him that.

“Blake Reed”

Removing my hand from his I waited, I wasn’t going to start any conversation with this low-life.

“So, how long have you been in the MidMoon pack?”

Looking him over I couldn’t tell what game he was playing at. He knew who I was – I’m sure after last night everyone knew who I was; Eryn was screaming it loud enough. I smiled thinking of her, dammit what was this woman doing to me?

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