Chapter 27

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So its been 2 months since this story was updated- im sorry. I have writers block- Rejected has taken a direction i didnt want- and it was extremely rushed. Ill  keep uploading, but it probably wont be as fast as everyone would like. If your still following the story... thank you! <3

His eyes roamed my very naked body, but it didn’t affect me. His back was pushed up against the tree; he clearly had nowhere he could run and yet, he was smiling at me.  I could hear Blake and Will’s grunts as they cleaned up the bloody mess behind me. I didn’t dare take my eyes off of Nolan though… this was to unsettling .I didn’t feel like I had the upper hand anymore.

“How does it feel?”

I narrowed my angry gaze at him

“How does what feel?”

His smile got bigger

“How does it feel knowing you killed an innocent member of your pack? Now I’m no shifter but I do know that loyalty is fierce in a pack.”

If it was even possible his smile got even bigger.

“I’ve never killed an innocent person in my life”

My body hunched on its own accord; I could feel Rosie trying to take over again. As I started to see literal red I could feel as fog rolled into my mind making it hard to think about anything other than attacking him.

“What the fuck is happening to me!”

I could faintly hear Nolan’s booming laugh echo around the forest. I dropped to my knees as I tried to fight these unwelcome urges.

Dirty sneakers entered my line of vision; as a hand on my chin made me lift my head. I was breathing hard desperately trying to control whatever the fuck was happening to me. Nolan’s head came down so him mouth brushed against my ear.

“Feeling the rage yet babe? If you kill me you’ll never know how to get rid of it.”


He jumped up and started to pace in front of me. I could still hear Blake and Will working away, why weren’t they coming to see what was going on?

“I’m a hunter babe; did you really think I didn’t know a shifter when I see one? I’ve played you since the day I seen you. The best part? You willingly believed everything I said! Hell, you even took the drinks willingly! Every single one…. You poisoned yourself! If anything… you did this, not me”

Played me? I was so confused; it was getting harder to focus. The more he talked the madder I became; it was getting extremely difficult to fight it.

“w-wwas Dan-daniel –

“Well, I never lied about that…. But as much as I tried; Jason would not join me”

What? Jason wasn’t working for Nolan? But… that means…

My face must have shown panic because instantly his face dropped to be inches from mine again. His minty breath fanned my face as he spoke.

“Yes babe, but that’s okay!”

His hands came up to cup my cheeks. My mind was drifting i was ready to just… let go.


Growls erupted around Nolan and I. Looking up I watched as Leanne walked over to Nolan’s side.

“Ah! There she is! ... Eryn love, say hi to your uncles murderer”

I grabbed my stomach; it was becoming clearer that I was fighting a losing battle within myself.

“Rosie! I … can’t… “

“Eryn, don’t you want to kill her? Avenge your uncle’s death perhaps? Just let go babe”

“WHAT! Nolan! What are you doing?”

I felt a hand on my shoulder and knew it was Will, turning my head I was surprised to see Blake staring at Leanne.

“Oh shut up Leanne! Blake? Are you going to come grab your little mate?”

Blake snapped his head towards Nolan; I’ve had enough. Jumping up I felt red swarm me; I embraced it.

“Alright Rosie; it’s all you”

My transformation was fast but I didn’t waste any more time. Crouching down I attacked Nolan head on; clamping down on his arm I jerked him away from Leanne. His laugh vibrated around me which only angered me more. I jerked him back and forth like my little rag doll; effectively shutting him up.

Jumping over him, letting him stand back up then clamping down on him again I was happier than a kid in a candy store. I don’t know when Rosie became so sadistic but I was embracing it! Why not?

The final time Nolan stood he was covered in his own blood. Coughing and spitting he grabbed his stomach as he tried to stand. His eyes held anger- which only pissed me off even more. Crouching down I was readying myself for the last blow. My snarl ripped through trees as I pounced; latching onto his neck I ripped his throat out. He dropped instantly.

I can’t believe I actually did it! Nolan is dead! Standing over his bloody body I tried to catch my breath; I yelped in glee …Nolan is dead!

“Rosie; let me shift back”


“Rosie? What the fuck?”

I felt her push me down with force. I was not in control of my actions anymore; I tried to rein her back in but she wouldn’t let me. We both heard a whimper before Rosie whipped around. Leanne stood there; with Blake by her side, whimpering like the pathetic little tit she is. Will was rigid standing a bit away from them. He just stared at me; understanding lighting up in his eyes. I just knew he understood Rosie was in control.

“Eryn; shift back”

Blake’s voice rattled Rosie. She did not like the command he used; I felt my legs crouch involuntarily.

“Oh my god Rosie NO! you can’t attack Blake!”

A deep angry growl vibrated around me; I didn’t know if she was directing it toward me to shut-up or Blake.

Blake took a protective stance in front of Leanne. Seriously? My fur stood rigidly straight on my back, now I was mad.

“She’s not in control Blake; Rosie is. Id tread lightly if I were you”

Blake looked over at Will then back to me.

“Okay; Rosie, please don’t hurt Leanne I know you’re hurting but you need to let Eryn come back”

His eyes were pleading with me-us.

Rosie let out a barky laugh; then attacked.

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