Chapter 10

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© 2013 by LifeAsIKnowIt. All rights reserved. 


Very much a filler chap, but im very excited to upload the next few, the fun is about to begin :)

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Chapter 10


Sitting by the water’s edge In the middle of the forest was the only time lately I felt like I could relax. The pack members have been busy getting the other houses ready for the CrystalNight packs arrival, Uncle Bernie has upped the men – and my – training, the elders have been busy prepping food and Blake has been bugging me non-stop about me being distant. I put my walls up to make a mental barrier and just listened to nothing but the water; it was relaxing to say the least.

“If it’s bugging you so bad just tell him Eryn”

“Rosie, how can I tell him that not only is my ex-mate coming here, but he’s also the alpha and I was planning on running at the end of the month to challenge him? How do you really think Blake will take it?”

I was met with silence, figured.

“You need to tell him Will is our mate. Don’t tell him the rest, he will understand – he loves you… well us. He loves us”

Sighing I stood on all fours, I’ve been gone for too long the sun was starting to droop. Making my way back to the pack house I knew I had to face him, to tell him. Shifting behind the tree I quickly put on my clothes and made my way into the house.  Trying to be sly I moved slowly to my room trying not to be seen. I was in no mood to help with anything today. I slowly shut my door letting out a breath I was holding.

“You’re finally back”

My hand instantly flew to my heart

“Jesus Blake you scared the crap out of me... how long have you been here?”

Looking around my room I could tell something was different, it looked the same but something wasn’t right. My eyes narrowed on Blake.

“Actually instead of asking how long I should have asked what you were doing in here.”

His sexy smirk took over his face, he was up to something

“I decided we are sharing a room, with the new pack coming I figured why not? Now they have an extra room in the pack house and I’m in here enough anyways.”

“Huh I see, and I get no say in this?”

Shaking his head he said

“No, not really it would have happened anyways… So what were you doing? Talk to me Eryn things haven’t been right with us for a few days, and I’m not leaving this room until its right again.”

He looked like a hurt puppy sitting on my bed. He stood up and grabbed my hand, then tilted my face to kiss my lips. My breath hitched, I don’t think I could ever get enough of his lips. He went to kiss me again but stopped; as he spoke I could feel his lips brushing mine.

“Talk to me Eryn, Trust me”

I nodded my head and lead him to my – our – bed.

“The CrystalNight pack is going to be here in two days”

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