Chapter 31

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To say I was mad was an understatement. Waking up wrapped in Wills arms with my body aching from the orgasmic sex- I could handle that.  The mark on my neck from will binding me to him until death? No I could not handle that.

Jumping up I grabbed my bag and threw some clothes on. If I were in a cartoon I’m sure there would have been steam shooting from ears. How could I be so fucking stupid?

“Is it really that bad though?”

No it wasn’t that bad; but now I’m stuck with this infuriating man for the rest of my life. I was growing madder by the second- the bond was making me feel all these emotions towards him. Loving emotions.

A shudder wracked its way up my spine- that fucking waste of skin good for nothing fuc-


His voice brought me out of my internal rant. Shooting him the deadliest glare I could I stood up and marched over to where he was lying down. Getting right in his personal space I hissed.

“Do you know what you fucking did?”

His eyes searched my face until they landed on the awful mark. Slowly a ghost of a smile appeared on his face; his eyes starting to twinkle.

“What the fuck are you smiling about?”

When he didn’t say anything I started to hit him










I went to hit him again but he caught my arm. His laugh echoed around me; pulling me closer to him his head dipped down capturing my lips. The bond we had before was great- but- but now that we were mated it was so much more intense. My mind started to fog- making me forget about what I was doing. The electricity consuming me; wrapping around us and entwining until we were in our own little cocoon of heated bliss.

Pulling away my fingers touched my tingling lips.

“That.. was… was”

“I… I know Will”

Our words were whispered. This was crazy.

He stood up pulling me with him. As he went around trying to find his clothing I had to look down; a blush starting to cover my cheeks.  The only thing not ripped was his boxers- I didn’t touch those.  Will grabbed my hand and we started to walk back to the pack house.


Not quite ready to speak yet I glanced at him

“You know you can’t leave now right? We can’t be separated”

Again I said nothing- I knew this to. I was trapped with Will whether I liked it or not.

I looked down trying to control the familiar rage bubbling up inside me- it was bound to happen but not fucking now.

 I felt like crying; of course I was happy to actually have been able to find my mate unlike so many others. Will stopped me right before we walked out of the tree’s; I glanced at him but all he did was pull me to his chest. Wrapping his arms tight around me; his chin resting on the top of my head.

“Eryn, everything your feeling- I’m feeling. Please be happy- I promise ill work every day to show you that you’re my everything. We are a team now, it’ll be okay. Let me help you… let me love you yeah?”

Again I never said anything- but it didn’t matter. Will knew the affect his words had on me; the pain subsided in my heart and I took a breath. Unravelling out of his embrace we walked up to the house; I instantly walked to get some water- while Will walked up the stairs. But not before pulling me into a quick kiss making my toes tingle.

Sitting down at the table I rested my head on the cool surface. The chair sliding out beside me made me jump. I wasn’t really all that surprised to see Blake beside me. I suppose after the morning I’ve had your level of surprise is very high.

“What the fuck dfo you want Blake”

He regarded me passively; his eyes starting to narrow

“Why did you put Leanne on the spot Eryn? You know she has been hiding in her room? She’s terrified!”

“You’re a fucking retard. You should feel as much grief as the rest of MidMoon. She murdered our alpha Blake. You’re lucky I don’t fucking kill her”

Looking around I noticed we caused some attention to some of the pack. Blake lowered his head- out of respect- then started to talk again.

“Look I didn’t sit down to fight with you Eryn. I – I’m sorry about what happened with us. I ‘am I would never have chosen Leanne and if you would have let me mark you months ago – this all could have been avoided. But it didn’t and it is what it is. I just want you to know I’m leaving MidMoon. I’m going to join the CrystalNight pack with Leanne. It’ll be easier that way for both of us.”

I cocked my head and smirked.

“Should we tell him Rosie?”

“Oh yes love”

“Oh Blake- You don’t understand. I ‘am the Luna of CrystalNight and I ‘am the alpha of MidMoon.”

I let my words sink in before I leaned in close; our noses almost touching.

“You have no right to come to me- the girl who’s heart you ripped out- to tell me what you’re going to do. No love you follow my orders; and Blake?”

His face said it all- by mating with Will he was feeling my pain- the same pain he put me through.

“I fucking hate you”

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