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Its done :( I hope you all enjoy the ending :) and thank you everyone for all your read, comments and votes! 



Running through the trees I knew I was gaining on the trespassers. Wills voice in my head kept screaming at me to turn back; I easily through my wall up- he is so annoying sometimes.

Looking over my shoulder Blake was a bit behind. I knew it wasn’t a race… but if it was… I would win. I must have spent too much time focusing on Blake; a hard body slammed into mine making me yelp. Instantly I was on all fours- snarling and staring down the rouge that dared to come onto my property.

CrystalMoon pack was the most feared pack in all the lands right now. And for good fucking reason. We have worked our asses off training in the last 5 years; killing ruthlessly to anyone who trespasses. Neighboring packs have called on us when a problem arises- we willingly go with smiles on our faces…but for a small fortune of course. We obviously need some kind of revenue coming in when our pack just keeps expanding.

I find it pretty comforting knowing that if there was ever an attack and a rogue or hunter actually managed to get into our pack houses; a 5 year old pup wouldn’t think twice about ripping their throats out.

Focusing my attention on the rogue I decided not to play with him; I had things to do today still. Faking a right I jumped left landing effectively on his back. He tried to buck me off but my mouth clamped down on his neck; shaking him around I used more force than necessary- as my face went right so did his neck.

The metallic taste of blood erupted on my tongue-making me gag. I was a wolf! Who hunted! Why can’t I stand the taste of blood?

“Because it’s disgusting”

Looking over at Blake I nodded my head to my mess- being my beta he has to do my dirty work. His eyes narrowed but I just hot him a lopsided grin. Turning around I trudged back to the pack houses. As I came near my little stream I decided to wash off- the smell of dried blood making me gag. As soon as my transformation was complete I jumped in; loving the feel of the cold water cleansing my skin.

Floating on my back I closed my eyes and smiled. I don’t know why but this little spot of mine has always been my cooling off place… My own little piece of heaven.

Jumping out of the water I grabbed some clothes and started to head back to the pack houses. With CrystalMoon multiplying we needed to focus on making more room. Will originally wanted to extend the original pack house towards the stream- something I was very quick to turn down. So instead we focused on building towards the east- and eventually it turned into what it is now. If a human where to stumble onto our land they would probably thing it was a gated community- without the awful gates.

As I made my way through the treeline Blake stepped out blocking my path.

“As your beta I need you to know that you were stupid back there”

I cocked my hip to the side

“Well, as your Luna I need you to know I don’t give a fuck”

I stuck my tongue out- childish I know.

“Eryn; you should have waited for me. You were running in the open and not even focusing on your target. Isn’t that your number one rule when training us?  We can’t have anything happening to you! And Eryn… if you make me clean up that disgusting mess again I will hurt you”

Laughing at his disgusted face I smacked his chest; but nodded at him. He was right- as usual- and I knew I needed to be smarter.

“Well if you won’t clean up the bloody mess than who will?”

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