Chapter 25

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I made this chapter longer to make up for the wait it took last week. Enjoy. 

By the way... AGAIN ... just ASSUME every chapter is unedited okie doke?


Chapter 25

Opening my eyes slowly I pretended to come to, if I wanted my plan to work I had to really put my acting skills to the test. Looking over I met Blake’s eyes, he looked so sad- like he had already given up. I quickly winked at him; the surprise evident on his face. Turning towards Will he looked furious. His eyes were blazing and he was breathing hard… was he trying to force himself to shift?

“Finally you’re awake! This is good babe! I thought you were a goner there for a bit”

Nolan took a seat beside me again, resting his hand on my thigh he smiled.

“I’m glad you’re awake, I really didn’t mean for you to almost die, but don’t worry; Lenny and Brad are paying for their careless mistake right now.”

I kept my expression impassive

“I really wasn’t worried, and I really don’t care Nolan”

Looking towards Blake I roamed his body- well what I could see. There were not any cuts or gashes but a lot of dry blood. Sweeping my gaze to Will; I was surprised to see his eyes black… what the fuck is he doing?

“Nolan, what are you doing?”

His head cocked to the side; rolling my eyes I shook my head.

“What...are … you… doing? Who are these two guys? And why the fuck am I chained to a chair?”

He looked at me like I had two heads.

“Does it not hurt?”

“Well sure the way my arms are tied yeah… and my shoulders are starting to get sore but that’s it. Now again, why the fuck have you tied me up?”

He jumped up mumbling to himself, I quickly looked at Blake and Will- pleading with my eyes to keep quiet. The last thing we needed was one of them ruining our only shot to get the fuck out of here unharmed… well hopefully.

“No Eryn! The silver! Doesn’t the silver hurt?!”

I didn’t break eye contact with him

“Why would silver hurt me Nolan?”

His eyebrows furrowed, whipping around he ran out of the kitchen, only to walk back in moments later with a chain. He watched my face carefully as he placed it on my shoulders; slowly he wrapped it around my bare neck. I held his eye contact, my finger nails dug into my palms as the silver seared my neck. I felt a trail of blood roll down my hand to my wrist; finally splattering on the floor.

Trying to keep my voice as steady as I could I cocked my head to the side; unintentionally digging the silver more into my neck.

“Again… Nolan, why would silver h-hurt me?”

He studied my face and started to mumble to himself again.


He grabbed the chain and ripped it off my neck. Wrapping it around his hand he started to storm out of the kitchen; only to stop and whip back around again. He roughly grabbed my face and turned so I was looking at Blake then William.

“You’re saying you don’t know these two?”

Looking from William to Blake on my own accord I turned to face Nolan

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