Chapter 24

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In case you didnt see my comment on the last chapter- i am in the process of re-writing the next chapters until the end. This story was completed, but i didnt like how i ended it ( and neither would any of you... seriously... it was NOT a happy ending clearly i didnt think anybody would ever read this!) So i apologize for the wait. 



Chapter 24

I knew the silver should burn, but I couldn’t feel anything. I was sitting in an uncomfortable position. The way my legs and arms were chained I was waiting for the pain to hit me; hell I was waiting for any feeling but there was nothing. My head was leaning on my shoulder; looking at Blake I willed my tongue to move but it wouldn’t co-operate. Blake’s eyes never left mine; he had a gag over his mouth preventing him to speak.  I couldn’t move my head to look at Will, but I didn’t hear anything from him so I’m assuming he’s still unconscious. Nolan left a while ago, I have no idea how long; could be hours… or maybe it was only a couple minutes? Blake was trying to talk to me I’m sure of it, but I just couldn’t focus. Feeling rather tired I closed my eyes falling asleep to Blake’s muffled protests.

“How much did you put in that water man?”

“To much, Nolan’s going to be choked. He wanted to have some fun with her”

I came to hearing I think Lenny and Brad talking, I made sure to keep my breathing labored. Maybe if they thought I was still asleep id be able to shift and get us the hell out of here.

“Well he can still have some fun, she just won’t move”

I felt disgusted… Rosie? Where are you?

A door opening made the men shut their mouths, Blake and Williams growls echoed around the room.

“Well Well Well sleeping beauty finally woke up!”

The only response was Will’s deep growl. Oh Will, I wonder how long they had you?

His footsteps moved closer to me; I felt his palm rest on my shoulder, he slowly moved it to my neck. Oh my god what was he doing? Oh please don’t touch me, don’t touc-

“YOU MORONS! How much Wolfsbane was in the water?  She barley has a pulse!”

I heard stomping then the echo of someone getting hit- hard.

Wolfsbane? Oh my god I didn’t even notice it! Rosie? Rosie? Oh god please Rose?!

My head was jerked up; I made sure my head lolled of to the side again, eyes remaining closed.


A chair scraped across the floor; I willed my eyes to stay shut.

“Well boys looks like it’s just the three of us for now”

I felt eyes on me, but I couldn’t tell if it was Blake, Will or Nolan.

Rosie? Rosie please answer me I need you! A hand caressed my thigh startling me.

“Eryn here may be out for a while; a long while. Which puts a damper on my plans, so I guess we should just get acquainted then yeah?”  His hand moved higher up my thigh, Blake and Wills growls echoed across the room.

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