Chapter 22

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Hope everyone had a fab weekend! We are getting 40cm of snow right now... my poor car... i dont know if she will make it! LOL Enjoy~ Comment? Vote? or Fan? :)

And again... this is not edited.



Running out of the bathroom I cursed, how am I always late? Throwing on my mini skirt – thanks to Rosie – and a tank top I knew I looked like I was ready to hit the corner.

Looking at my reflection I sighed

“This is ridiculous”

“Not ridiculous – needed Eryn. To play the part you need to look it”

I knew I didn’t have the time to argue right now, trying to do my hair was a lost cause. I quickly through some mousse and tousled it up… good enough. Grabbing my keys and my heels I walked to Betsy. I knew it was stupid to meet Nolan at the hub again, especially when we would more than likely be alone. If I was smarter I would have suggested meeting at McDonald’s… at noon when the place would be swarming with tired mothers and screaming children.  I cringed… maybe that wouldn’t have been a good idea but it would have been better than this. The place was like a cemetery after Nolan walked through the doors.

Pulling in to the deserted parking lot I threw my baby in park and jumped out. I needed to take a deep breath, I was getting worked up for nothing, and it really didn’t help that Blake had his stupid barrier up all day. Did he even care? What was he doing that was so important?

“More like who he was doing”

“Rosie I don’t need your little jabs right now, you and I both know he isn’t doing anything with anybody.”

Shoving her away I strutted into the bar. Opening the extremely heavy door I stopped in the entrance… the place was packed! I suppose I was worried for nothing.

“No love, don’t let your guard down… these could be hunters”

And there goes my confidence.

Trying to find Nolan was proven to be a challenge in itself. I walked around the bar, but I couldn’t see the man anywhere, and let’s face it… it’s not like he could hide his massive physique easily.  I finally gave up and sat down on the bar stool; waving at Joel to get me a drink. I crossed my legs feeling very exposed, this skirt was too short and my shirt was to tight, I looked like I wanted attention and that is never good in a bar with extremely drunk men.

“Your usual?”

Joel was leaning against the bar, he looked cute today with his button up black shirt and skinny jeans; I normally hate skinny jeans on men but Joel pulled it off.

“My usual? I’ve only been here once!”

His finger tapped the side of his head and smirked. Moving to the middle of the bar he grabbed my spiced rum, put a shot in the glass then filled it with diet coke. Placing it in front of me he leaned close so I could hear him over the loud music

“I have an excellent memory; enjoy your rum. Nolan should be here soon”

He made his way down to the other thirsty patrons waiting for a drink. Taking a small sip I scanned the bar again. The crowd was older; I didn’t see one under age person here. There was no dance floor; it looked like some of the people moved some tables to make an opening to dance. The country music blared and I felt my head start to pound. I’ve always hated clubs, it was just a place for people to cheat, and rub there sweaty bodies against each other. Why? Shaking my head I rubbed my temples; this was going to be a long night. I felt pressure on the small of my back. Looking up I was startled to see Nolan standing there, he bent his head so his lips grazed my ear

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