Chapter 26

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Wondering..... what would you all like to see happen? Now that im re-writing the end im a little excited to change it all up. I never thought anybody would read this story but me!

Anyways let me know :) WOOHOOOO its almost christmas! you know what that means? NO not presents.... it means CHRISTMAS BREAK!!! im so excited to just... not work.

i apologize in advance for drunk chapters this holiday season ;) anyhooooo.... as always.... enjoy xo



I pushed myself harder; the scenery passing by in a blur. I kept trying to mindlink Bernie but it was only static; what did that mean?

“Maybe they already made it there Rosie”

My pace started to falter. What if I was already too late?

“Don’t think like that; we aren’t too late now pick up the fucking pace”

Snarling I kept running; listening to Rosie I pushed myself harder.

Only when I crossed our pack land border did I finally slow down. Creeping into the tree’s I crouched down to take a gulp of water from the stream. I loved coming out here and laying in this exact spot… I thought I had problems then! Shaking my head I strained to listen to any indication that the hunters made it here before me. The only sound was the streams flowing water.

Moving quickly and quietly I crouched down behind a tree, looking towards the pack house. It was to quiet, where was everyone? I wonder if they were already warned about the impending doom. Trying unsuccessfully one last time to link my uncle I shifted back into my human form. I bent down digging around in the trunk of the tree. I pulled out a blue t-shirt- more specifically Blake’s blue t-shirt. I threw it on quick and ran up to the house; pressing myself against the wall; again I heard nothing.

As I crept up the stairs to the patio doors I tried to smell for any different scents; only the ones of the pack wafted around my nose. Opening the doors I stepped quietly; I swear I could hear my heartbeat echo around the kitchen.

“Uncle Bernie?”

My whisper floated around me; too quiet for a hunter to hear.

Creeping up the stairs I was surprised to see Bernie’s office door ajar. The smell of blood invaded my senses. Not caring about being quiet any more I slammed the door open; his office was a mess. His desk split into two, the pictures on the wall- what ones were left anyways- smashed. His papers and books flown around and in the middle of the room my uncle Bernie lay motionless.

Dropping to my knees I grabbed him to roll him over; not caring about the puddle of blood. His head rolled to the side; his throat was slit accompanied with a hole in his chest… where his heart should have been.  I just sat there; staring into his now glossy grey eyes.

I was too late.

“To late for him love; not for the others…We need to mourn when it’s safe, not right now”

I tried standing up but my legs wobbled half way up; I could feel his blood dripping down my legs. My hand flew out in front me to grab the chair. Trying to stable myself I took a deep breath. Rosie was right; whoever did this was not a hunter. The only scents I smell are those of the pack. I can’t cry for him right now. Slowly walking out of the room I took one last look at my beloved uncle Bernie – the only family I had left.  I hastily wiped a tear from my cheek and shut his door; I’m going to kill whoever did this.

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