Chapter 9

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 © 2013 by LifeAsIKnowIt. All rights reserved. 


There is sexual content in this chapter. You have been warned. Please leave feedback, i need to know what you all are thinking about the book! Please! 

I posted this chapter because i missed on monday, so its kind of my peace offering ;)

OH and i have not edited this chap yet so if there are mistakes let me know and ill fix em :)

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Chapter 9

My hand shot out from under my warm cocoon of blankets to stop that infuriating noise. Grabbing ahold of my cell I flipped it open with a growl.

“WHAT?!” who calls people so early, honestly?

“Er-Eryn? … Is is that you?”

Jolting up I looked at my phone I knew who it was before I seen the all too familiar number. Why didn’t I look at my phone before I answered? How could I be so stupid?

I cleared my throat before I spoke

“Uh yeah it’s Eryn, Who’s this?”

“Eryn it’s me, its Jake, I called you every day, Kelsey to! And then your number wasn’t in service anymore and we didn’t know if something happened to you, or if you lost your phone or what. What the hell happened Eryn?”

Rubbing my temples I tried to think of something- anything to say other than the truth. It was too early for this I didn’t even have caffeine in me yet!

“Listen... Jake It’s been pretty busy here…”I trailed off, I owed him an explanation not a lie… not that I could think of one in my morning state anyway

  “I thought I told you no more calling?”

“YEAH that was TWO fucking years ago Eryn TWO! We did-

“Yeah two years I thought you would have got the hint”

I felt bad as soon as the words escaped, but it was the truth. I needed to cut all ties with my past. If Jake wasn’t hitting on me – making me feel so much worse – than he was talking about Will.

“You don’t mean that” his voice sounded barley a whisper.

“Jake, look I’m sorry but I have to go. I’m fine – really – I should have called to let you know but I couldn’t keep talking with you and Kelsey. You have to understand your apart of His pack and it just – well it just hurt too much. “

“What happened to you?” His voice sounded angry and detached.

After a long minute I could only whisper

“I grew up Jake.”

I ended the call as soon I said it. It hurt to let them go, but I had to. I couldn’t bring them down with me. Sighing I got up to shower, then coffee then definitely find Daniel, I needed to let off some steam.

“Eryn it’s been 4 hours what the hell has you so worked up?”

Sighing I sprawled out onto the gym matt

“It’s nothing, just thinking about some stuff and it riled me up”

“Past stuff? Or Asshole Blake stuff” I could hear the smirk when he said Blake’s name. They never did get along.

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