Chapter 20

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Again : Just assume that every chapter is unedited- which it is 

When the story is completed I will go through and edit each chapter :) 

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Changing into my clothes I watched as Will and Blake stomped back and forth along the border. They were both trying so hard to fight the command but I knew it was a losing battle. Stepping out from behind the tree’s I crouched down by Blake. His white fur danced along my hand.

“I’m so sorry, please don’t be mad but I have to do this… I love you”

He whined and nudged my shoulder… he was definitely mad.  Sighing I gave him a kiss on his muzzle, looking into his sad green eyes I backed up so my foot went just over the border. He was growling; his head swinging back and forth. Reluctantly he turned around and ran to the pack house; following the alpha command. I walked back on the border towards Will; he was sitting so still but I could see the inner battle in his eyes. His wolf was huge; midnight black, much like mine. Crouching down beside him I scratched his ear. His muzzle nudged my head. Letting my mind barrier fall I leaned into him.

You don’t have to do this babygirl

I know… but I want to Will

My hands came up and scratched his ears again

No baby – Eryn... just stay… please just stay where it’s safe! 

He stood up and growled walking back and forth again. He stopped in front of me and put his huge paw on my leg.

I promise if you stay I’ll send Leanne out of the pack… hell ill even leave you and Blake alone please just please stay with me… where we know it’s safe

I smiled at him giving him a small kiss to the side of his muzzle. Standing up he started to growl, he tried to block my path but the alpha command was strong – he wouldn’t be able to fight it much longer. I crossed the line that separates the pack lands; grabbing my back pack I turned to look at Will, he was growling and shaking his head.

Er – Eryn I love you

I started walking towards the road; blowing him a kiss as my barrier came back up. Howls echoed across the tree’s, Will and Blake were back at the pack house. Slinging my bag higher on my shoulder I started walking along the road.

Bug… I forgot to tell you

My uncles voice boomed in my head making me jump, didn’t I put my barrier bac-


Yes uncle?

Walk to the gas station… your car is parked there

My steps faltered… my grand am? I started running – I haven’t driven my Betsy in so long! Stopping at the top of the hill I spied the tall sign flashing FasGas – I took off in a sprint and didn’t stop until I hit the car door. My baby!

“It’s just a Pontiac Eryn”

Rolling my eyes I jumped in the driver seat- my keys were in the ignition.

“He’s lucky nobody stole it!”

“… Nobody would steal a Grand Am Eryn… “

Starting it up I turned on my stereo- my bass pumping with the music. Letting the sunroof open I pulled out on the road heading towards Brantford.

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