Chapter 7

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 © 2013 by LifeAsIKnowIt. All rights reserved. 


I made this chapter extra long, i wasnt able to update all weekend so hopefully this makes up for the wait :) Please, comment vote or fan <3



Over the past two months Daniel and I have became pretty close; As long as I overlook the whole “I’m sexy and I know it” attitude.  Stretching my aching legs out in front of me I sighed and put my head on Daniels shoulder.

“Tired today?”

“Yeah, couldn’t we have like an easy day?”

Looking over at me and smirking he shook his head

“There is no going easy when it comes to fighting. You know that buttercup, if you were fighting with a rogue or a hunter, would you stop and ask them to go easy on you?”

Sighing I knew he was right, I was just to out of shape.

“I suppose not”

Standing up I stretched again and held my hand out for Daniel to take to bring him up with me.

“I’ll see ya tomorrow morning babe, got a hot date tonight” winking at me he turned to leave the gym

“That’s funny I never agreed to go on a date with you” laughing I started to make my way to the change rooms. The hot shower was calling my name.

“Ha! You will one day babe, but for now I suppose I’ll settle” Winking he left the gym.

Slowly peeling my clothes off and jumping in the shower I let the hot water numb my burning muscles. I can’t believe how fast time was flying now. It’s been 2 months I’ve been away from my old pack. My body has started to transform into the strong wolf I knew I could be. I haven’t talked to Jake in a month, he calls every day but I know it for the best not to answer. His intentions are not the same as mine. Hopefully when he meets his mate, we can go back to how we were, best friends. 

Grabbing the shampoo from the side I started to lather it into my long brown and blonde streaked hair. Mr. Green eyes started to make his way into my thoughts again, just like every day. Smiling to myself I thought about his soft side. I asked around the pack to see if I could slyly get some more information about him. Seems he’s an asshole, which I already knew. Nobody could really give me any information; he joined my uncle’s pack 4 years ago and has never spoken of a family or a mate. He came onto Uncle Bernie’s lands, beaten bloody and bruised. Nobody knew what happened to him or his old pack- if he even had one – but if I knew my uncle he wouldn’t let just anybody join. He would know, and I was going to find out.  I did manage to find out one thing about him, his name was Blake Reed. Hunky Mr. Green eyes Blake. It suited him.

Grabbing my towel and drying off I got dressed and made my way to my uncle’s office. Knocking on his office door I waited for him to tell me to come in.

“Hi Uncle Bernie! What are ya up to?”

Looking up from his mountain of paper work he smiled at me.

“Heya Bug, just catching up on some pack business, what brings you in here?”

“Couldn’t I just come into see how my absolutely most favorite uncle is doing?”

Grabbing a seat on the chair in front of his desk, I made myself comfortable by throwing my feet up on the other chair.

“Eryn, I’m your only uncle. What do you want?”

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