Chapter 2

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© 2013 by LifeAsIKnowIt. All rights reserved.  


Rolling over I gasped, the sun was way too bright. I vaguely recall my night with Kelsey and Jake. Wiggling my toes, I groaned the pain went around my toes and up my foot to my heel…there was definitely dancing. Too much dancing.  

Peeking over my bed I found Kelsey asleep on my floor and Jake at the end of my bed. Creeping out of bed as quietly as possible I made it to the bathroom to take a hot shower, what surprised me the most was my reflection in the mirror.  Bruises and scratches tainted my arms, neck and chest. They had to have been from another were, if they were made by a human I would have healed by now. Jumping in the shower I let the hot water sooth my achy muscles, and as it slowly woke me up, I started to recall my night.  Dirty dancing, a lot of dirty dancing with Jake. Seeing Will by the bar with Leanne. Wills red eyes as he came storming up to Jake and I on the dance floor.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing Eryn! Out of all people him??, and dressed like that?!” Wills voice seethed like venom. Him being the future alpha of our pack, everyone felt the anger through our pack link. My wolf purred at his voice

 “He still cares, he didn’t completely reject us Eryn, he loves us still!”

“Don’t go soft on me now Rosie, We need each other, don’t be daft, he doesn’t want us.”

Feeling the alpha command I snapped back to reality, feeling Rosie sink back, I couldn’t help but smirk at how little his command affected me. If I was sober I would know not to talk back to him, but I was obviously too obliterated to keep my mouth shut.

“Fuck off Will, I’m dancing you know? Like two people, *hiccup* dancing? I should ask *hic* what YOURE doing with that thing?”

 Using as much force as I could in my drunken haze I pointed my finger straight into Leanne’s cheek. That did it, she was on me in an instant, scratching & clawing me. Raising my feet I bucked her off, as soon as her back hit the dance floor I was on her. With my fist pulled back I looked into her eyes, smiling I plummeted it down into her nose. A loud crack vibrated over the music, blood started pouring. I felt arms wrap around me and pull me off the whore. I turned around ready to fight with whoever grabbed me, but stopped when I seen it was Jake, and seen the blood on his face. While I fought with Leanne he was fighting with will, and I didn’t even help him.

“ENOUGH” the alpha command shook us all.  

“Eryn Jay, you have not only disrespected your Alpha, but you have caused physical harm to your new Luna”

He bent down and grabbed Leanne pulling her to him. Her face made me happy; her eyes were almost already black, her nose still dripping blood. I was smiling at her until I registered what he said. Luna? What new Luna? I’m supposed to be the new Luna!

His eyes narrowed and her eyes started to shine, as she brought her hand up and moved her hair to the side I seen the mating mark, the mark that was supposed to be mine. My heart shattered, Rosie howled, I couldn’t stop the tears that started to escape. This pain, was unbearable, how could he fully mate with her? Wasn’t I supposed to feel him being with another? I never felt a thing all night other than the initial pain of the rejection from this afternoon.  I looked passed them and seen Kelsey in the crowd she had her eyes trained on Leanne, I subtly shook my head no, she didn’t need to be punished for me.

“Eryn Jay, you have disrespected your authorities & caused physical harm, I need you to vacate the pack house come next nightfall, and all belongings that are left behind will be destroyed.”

Kicking me out of the pack? What?

“NO, Will, alpha please don’t do this she didn’t even know Leanne was Luna, you can’t do this!” Jakes voice sounded so panicked. He tried getting closer to Will and Leanne after each word spoke.  I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Looking up into his beautiful blue eyes I whispered;

“no its okay, you’ll see it’ll be ok” I grabbed Jakes face and pulled him down to my level wrapping my arms around his neck I hugged him, and whispered in his ear for only him to hear

 “come to my house & bring Kelsey  once he gives you your punishment everything will be fine” Kissing his cheek I then took a step back.

I bent down and grabbed my shiny red stilettos and started to make my way through the slowly parting crowd. I didn’t look at anyone’s face, I didn’t need to see the looks of sympathy or disgust.  I mustered up all the strength I could. I turned towards the bar grabbed the bottle of rum from the stunned bartender. Feeling the familiar burn down my throat I smiled looking straight into Wills eyes.

“I Eryn Jay, Accept your Rejection” I smiled more when he dropped clutching his heart.

Whipping back around I strutted all the way home, making sure to keep the fake smile plastered on my face. It wasnt safe to cry yet.


Id love some feedback, Im not sure if i should go on with this story, It is very cliche and i love the cliche werewolf stories :) but other people may be sick of them. Please just a little feedback woule be very appreciated!

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