Chapter 14

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© 2013 by LifeAsIKnowIt. All rights reserved. 


There is Sexual Content in this chapter. You have been warned. 

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Chapter 14

Eryn’s POV

Opening the gym doors I was surprised to see everyone still there, I figured training would have been done by now. I spotted Daniel helping one of the CrystalNight pack members with his stance and made my way over to him. Passing a group of guys on the way I smirked as they moaned and groaned about Daniels techniques.

“It would make so much more sense fighting in wolf”

“Why do we even need to train? We are the best in our pack”

“That guy is bitch; he doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing other than wasting our time”

I whipped towards the guy that said Daniel was a bitch. How dare he! If anything Daniel is wasting HIS time on these good for nothing losers. I stalked towards the group of little boys.

“You think this is a waste of time? If anything you are all wasting OUR time! You don’t think we have better things to do than sit around here going over easy shit we already know? … huh?”

I waited for them to answer me, glaring directly at each one until they diverted their eyes… a sign of respect.  The big guy, I think his name is Jason, smirked at me before taking a step closer.

“Listen girlie; you friend over there” his finger pointed towards Daniel who was still trying to help the guy with this stance “Is a bitch. We don’t need to learn this shit; we are the best fighters in CrystalNight pack. We don’t need - his eyes went from my feet and slowly trailed up to my face – a little girl telling us how to fight… Or a wanker like that guy over there”

Little girl? Wanker? What the hell is this guy’s problem?

“Let’s show him how to really fight Eryn”

Smiling up at him, I cocked my hip out and twirled my hair around my finger. Making my eyes go wide I made sure to speak in my whiney voice.

“Tell you what, that wanker taught me everything I know. Let’s make a deal hmm? I challenge you to a friendly duel. If I win, you come here every day keep that big yap of yours shut and do the training with a fucking smile…”

He looked down at me with dirty smile, he has never seen us fight… this is going to be too easy.

“And if I win?”

“If you win… you don’t have to train… at all”

Looking him up and down like he did to me I smirked

“Deal… I’m going to get dressed. Why don’t you go… and stretch or something?”

Turning away from him I was surprised to see everyone in a circle around us. Guess we caused some attention. Changing into my tight lulu shorts and my sports bra I tightened my shoelaces, throwing my hair into a high ponytail. Strutting out of the change room’s I went into the circle of men; Jason standing in the middle.

“You look pretty”

Laughing at him I shook my head

“Can’t say the same, okay let’s do this; until the other taps out… or knocked out” I shot him a wink at the last part. As I got into my stance the gym door opened, I knew it was Will before I seen him.

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