Chapter 29

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This is not the end- but close. 

This has not been edited. This chapter was dedicated to inaomif <-- youve been reading since the begining--> Thanks love xo 

Enjoy <3


The sun was slowly starting to peek through the night sky. I was down by my stream but instead of lying out in the open I decided; for a change – to lay hidden by a big oak tree. I didn’t really know what to do with myself. I felt everything starting to crash down. The reality of the situation I was in hit me like a ton of bricks.

 With my uncle dead the responsibilities of MidMoon fell onto my shoulders. I could barely be Beta let alone an Alpha! – Not to forget the fact that I killed an innocent pack member, I know nobody else has forgotten… Of course the fingers point to me as there bad guy- even though Leanne was the one to murder there alpha; Fucking stupid pack members.

“You probably should have tried a little harder to be friends with the pack.”

“Ya think?”

Sighing I shook my head; even if I did become alpha- there’s no way I could handle the responsibilities. And being alpha to Blake? Oh god- Blake. Another ache torpedoed around my heart.  As if I didn’t have enough on my plate already. I know Leanne will be flashing their relationship in my face- unfortunately Blake won’t even realize how bad he’s hurting me.

“Should have finished her off Rosie”

“Believe me… I tried- you know how mates get- mated or not.”

The sun was getting higher in the sky; showing me I’ve been out here all night and most of the morning. I sunk deeper into the trees; laying down I waited for sleep to overcome me – I hoped for death.

“A little dramatic don’t you think?”

“I’m just so done with my life being so fucking hard. I got dealt some really shitty cards Rosie.”

Twigs snapping caught my attention; creeping silently on my belly I peeked my head out through a tiny opening. Blake stood there by the stream in all his sexy glory.

“Eryn; I know you’re out here I can smell you”

My eyes turned to slits- fuck you and your nose Blake.

Someone’s in a nasty mood”

“Eryn; please, let me explain”

When I refused to speak he sighed and sat down- his feet splashing in the water.

“Eryn; I’m sorry for hurting you. I never wanted to mate with Leanne; but when I seen you attacking her all my wolf cared about was protecting his mate! He overtook my control Eryn- god I couldn’t... I couldn’t control it! I knew what I was doing but had no choice. Once we seen the extent of her injuries we didn’t think- just… just acted. I’m so sorry Eryn- but she was my mate; you out of all people know how that fucking bond is”

I bit my lip; but again said nothing. What was there to say? Ya I know how the bond is- but you can fight it. Fuck I have! Shaking my head I decided to stop being a pussy and climbed out of my hiding spot. Blake looked over his shoulder at me; surprised.

“I didn’t think you would actually come out”

I just shrugged and sat down beside him; my feet sloshing in the water like his.

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