Chapter 17

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TWO uploads in one day?! yes- i uploaded another chap. 

This one contains sexual content... but i dont know why im warning ya'll when wattpad has rated this book R anyways?! haha. its expected right? 

Anyways, enjoy! I uploaded 2 chaps today.... could i maybe get some feedback in return? ;) 

Until tomorrow~ 



It was midnight and I was lying by the stream; my paw grazing the water’s edge. After I left my Uncle’s office I went to go to my bedroom; but I could feel Blake pacing around in there. I just didn’t feel like a confrontation so here I am… 2 hours later.

I was waiting for Bernie to tell me when to come back to the pack house to grab the paperwork I needed. We knew who the hunters were- well the worst ones. I needed to brief myself before I met them; know what to lookout for.

“We are a very easy target right now Eryn”

I didn’t feel like talking to Rosie; so I shoved her back down. I knew I was being an easy target, but I didn’t feel any threat. My heart is broken; I just want to mourn what could have been. Sighing again I dipped my black paw into the stream; the cold water felt heavenly. I smelt him before I seen him. I didn’t bother getting up, what was the point? I was leaving tomorrow anyways… maybe I am going a little crazy. Who looks forward to a suicide mission?

“Drama Queen”

Okay, it’s not technically a suicide mission, I’ll be careful but I’m going to meet the very people who killed my parents and so many others.

I could feel pressure on my mind barrier. He was trying to communicate- I had blocked everyone out except for Uncle Bernie.

A twig snapped behind me- the pressure was building. Do men just not take hints? I didn’t turn around, but I let out a warning growl.

His muzzle nudged my shoulder with a whine; I rolled my eyes and let the barrier drop.

“Obviously I want to be left alone”

He flopped down beside me; licking my face

“I know, but I needed to make sure you were okay”

He nudged me again

Change back Eryn; Talk to me”

“What are you doing Will? What do you want?”

I couldn’t be bothered to hide the annoyance in my voice

“I’m being a friend; now change back… please”

I surprised him and I both; I didn’t argue for once. Letting the transformation complete I stood up to stretch. Will grabbed my hand and making me sit in front of him. His arms wrapped around my shoulders as I brought my knees up to my face.

“Why did you make me sit again?”

“If you want me to keep my word; and be just friends… then you can’t prance around me naked. I only have so much control baby girl”

A blush rose to my cheeks, I didn’t think about being nude.

“Don’t say that”

“Say what?”

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