Authors note

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Good afternoon lovely readers :)

I just checked into my hotel- im on a lovely work conference- and decided to check my wattpad. WELL the amount of reads/votes/comments were quite a surprise! Thank you!! 

Unfortunetly there will not be a sequel. I feel Eryn and Will's story is done... and im quite honestly feeling done writing about them! I feel it shows in my story- Rejected was very choppy at the end and i know i left loose ends- im literally shurgging my shoulders right now haha.

BUT  i am in the process of starting another cliche werewolf story... because lets face it- I love cliche! ;) 

Iam currently writing ( its in my works) a supernatural (yes you werewolf/vampire ect) lovers book called " On the run" 

Anyways just wanted to shout out to you all, thank you!!!!! I really hope you enjoyed Rejected :)

<3 Cheers <3


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