Chapter 4

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© 2013 by LifeAsIKnowIt. All rights reserved. 


Pulling into the unfamiliar town of Cambridge I felt my nerves kick into high gear. What if they didn’t like newcomers? I don’t think I could handle much more heartache. I’m good at putting on a strong front but underneath, the part of me that nobody sees, is really just a sad little girl that would love to be able to lean on someone’s shoulders and cry. Sighing heavily I pulled over and put my car in park. Looking in my rearview mirror I fixed my make up and put on my tough exterior.

It’ll be fine love, we are lovely as always

“Oh Rosie, your always so confident”

Smiling to myself I knew Rosie was right, I put my car back in drive and set out to find my uncles pack house.

Pulling up into the drive I was in awe, I forgot how huge this place was. My uncle, has always been wealthy but I guess I just forgot how wealthy. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Uncle Bernie was standing on the front porch waving me in. After throwing my Betsy in park I jumped out and hugged him. He still looked the same, maybe a little older now but the same. His beard, that he was so proud hung past his chin with a little pony tail, his brown eyes shining and his hair still long and braided hanging off his back, but now with specks of grey. He looked like a wannabe biker. Looking at him i always wondered if my dad would look the same.

“Thank you so much Uncle Bernie,”

“Don’t thank me bug, we are family and I’m always happy to have my favorite niece home where she belongs! Now grab your bags, dinner is almost ready”

Smiling at my uncle for using my childhood nickname I ran over to my car and grabbed all my bags. Following my uncle into the house I smelled all the different scents, there had to have been well over 60 people living in here!

“Um uncle Bernie, does every pack member live here? Or are there other pack houses?”

“We have other houses all over this land, I own 800 acres, so we have built houses for the mated wolves, but most live here, or come and go. They know the alphas door is always open” He said it with pride, and I had to agree, Will would never allow his door to be open 24/7.

“Here bug, this is your old room. I haven’t allowed anyone to stay in here, but I have had Mother Mary wash the bedding and dust once a week. Go on in and unpack then come down for dinner, everyone is very excited to meet you.”

“Mother Mary is still here? Really! I can’t wait to see her again!” Mother Mary has always been my uncle’s house keeper, when I would come visit in the summer as a child she was the only person I would look up to as a mother.

Smiling and nodding at me he turned around and started to make his way back down the stairs when he stopped and looked back at me

“Eryn, I don’t want to know what happened back there, at your old pack. You are here now and that’s what matters, you belong with me, with us, with the Midmoon Pack.  Your home”

 With one last beaming smiling he finished his descend down the stairs, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

After putting some clothes away in my old dresser, which still had spice girl stickers on it from when I was a child, I heard Mary call me down for dinner.

I could hear the chatter in the kitchen from the other pack members. They all seemed really close, which made my nerves go into panic mode again. As I came off the last step it went deathly silent.

“Everyone, I would like to introduce – or Re-introduce you all to my niece Eryn.  She will be staying with us for a while, and if she and all of you agree, id like to have her join our pack”

Silverware clattering on the dishes was the only thing I heard, then the questions started

“Can you hunt?’

“Can you fight?”

“Where did you come from?”

My uncles voice carried over everyone else’s and instantly everyone zipped there lips.

“ENOUGH, quiet down, I’m sure if you all asked her one question at a time she would be more than happy to answer. Bug, come sit down right here and get a plate. Then if you wouldn’t mind, perhaps you could answer some questions?”

Swallowing I gave a short nod to my uncles pack members and made my way around the big table to sit by Bernie.

I took a deep breathe

 “Rosie? You’ve been awfully quiet… I need a confidence booster right now please”

Do you smell that?”

“What are you talking about?”

“It’s heavenly love, find the scent”

“No Rosie listen I need you with me to help answer questions please Please Rosie don’t make me do this on my own!”

Damn wolf.

After my internal debate I planned on looking up to properly introduce myself. I planned on answering questions, using some of my devilish charm and maybe even flirt a little to get on some of these pack members good sides.  Maybe make a new friend, maybe even fit in.

What I didn’t plan on was looking up right into the most beautiful hazel eyes, and forgetting how to breathe.  


Hey all, just a little side note, im at work right now so i know this chapter isint very long, but ill upload another this afternoon to make up for it. Like every author, id love feedback :) 

You guys rock! 

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