Chapter 15

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This chapter will be short – I’m sorry- but I’m at work and it is a snow day… which means I can catch up on all my work while the students aren’t here.  J Again… I’m sorry!

This has not been edited. If there are mistakes please tell me; ill gladly fix em all up :)

Chapter 15


Rushing to alpha Bernie’s office I had a horrible feeling. The attacks were getting more frequent; more and more people were losing their mates, fathers, mothers and children. Although nobody said it; I knew it was only a matter of time before the hunters came knocking on our door step. Knocking on the alphas door I slipped inside; I was late… again.

“Sorry Alpha” My eyes swepped across the room. Daniel was already seated on the love seat- a spot open for me. James sat across from my uncle and Will sat beside James – also a seat open beside him. I quickly took the seat next to Daniel. Will and I haven’t spoken since our heated moment in the shower a week ago. We have been so busy training I haven’t really had time to dwell on it; or tell Blake… which I knew my delaying would eventually bite me in the ass. By the looks of how close him and Leanne are I doubt he has told her either. My uncle’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

“I called this meeting because we need a plan. If the hunters attack we need to make sure we are ready”

His voice carried around the room, looking him over I could tell he was hurting. The most recent attack took out his good friend Terry’s pack; Terry died along with most of the other members.

“I doubt the hunters will find us Alpha; we are hidden amongst humans- the hunters wouldn’t think to look in a human populated town for us. We would only cause chaos within the packs. I don’t know if you noticed… sir… but the packs are barely getting along as it is” I had to narrow my eyes at James; he was so sure of himself.

“No I agree Alpha; we need a plan. We need to at the very least think of an evacuation route for the women, children and others; that Is I believe the most important, then we can think of a defense plan”  My voice was strong and confident, which was good because on the inside I was scared; I don’t want to lose anybody. I looked at James to find him glaring at me… what was his deal?

“I agree with Eryn and you sir; it is best to have a plan in tact” I looked over at Will as he spoke; I was surprised he agreed.

James was clearly outnumbered in his narrow thinking, so we sat there all morning going through different possible scenarios- and making sure we had a plan for each one. Daniel and I thought it would be best if we started to work on different defense and offence techniques while we train; try to get the packs to work as one.

By the time I left the office my back was sore from sitting and my brain felt like mush. Walking into the hallway my hands went above my head to try to stretch it out. I was so focused on the meeting I didn’t even notice Blake walking towards me.  

“How did the meeting go? Everything okay?”

I smiled up at him “It went Hun, let’s go for a run ill fill you in on the details at the stream” I reached up and put my arms around his neck; his circled my waist. Bringing my head up I planted one on his lips; I felt him smile against my lips, he bent his head to deepen the kiss. A voice clearing made us break away from each other. Looking over my shoulder Will stood there, leaning against the hallway with his arms crossed and a glare on his face.

So sorry to interrupt; we need to start the training” his voice was dripping in sarcasm.

“No Will, Daniel and I aren’t doing any training until tomorrow morning; let the packs relax for the afternoon with their loved ones”

He stood there staring at me, was he really going to fight about this? I stared right back at him; I wasn’t going to back down from him. Blake’s arm circled my waist and pulled me against his chest; making Will brake eye contact with me and zero in on Blake’s hands on my stomach.

“Okay, tomorrow morning then” He kicked off the wall and went to brush past us. I didn’t realize I was holding my breath till he got to the end of the stairs. Looking back at us he smiled

“I look forward to having a nice hot shower after training; Last time you made it so enjoyable Eryn” He sent a wink my way and walked down the stairs with a smirk. That asshole! Blake’s hands tightened on my waist.

“What is he talking about Eryn?”

“Nothing. He is just an asshole trying to get under your skin.” 

Looking up into his eyes I begged him to drop it

“I promise I’ll tell you everything after I get the pack shit dealt with okay?”

He stared at me for a while, and then gave me a stiff nod.

“Tell me one thing, and then ill drop it… did – did you guys sleep together?”

Almost Blake “No! no not even close to that!”

He let out a relieved sigh then gave me a tight smile. I didn’t notice it before; being so busy with training and all my extra free time on the hunters – which Blake has been quite off the last few days as well.

“Blake… is there something going on with you?”

I studied his face; he looked like he hadn’t slept in a few days. I must have been more pre-occupied than I thought. A pang of guilt swept through me; how could I be so selfish to this beautiful man?

“Oh Blake I’m so sorry; I’ve been so selfish!”

“No, no you haven’t Eryn. I – I have to tell you something and I’ve been dreading it” His eyes looked so scared.  Nodding at him once I waited for him to continue.

“Eryn I wasn’t completely honest with you when I told you about my mate”

Cocking my head to the side I couldn’t hide my confusion; he lied?

“What do you mean Blake?”

His back went against the wall and he slid down it to sit on the floor, his hand reached up to pull me down beside him.

“My mate is human…I never lied about that… but… when I walked in on her—her and that sleazy alpha he wasn’t only fucking her. He bit her—to change her into one of us.”

Okay, that’s not so bad to hear. I nodded my head… still confused; is he this upset because she was changed? Or because he never told me?

“Eryn… – god I don’t know how to tell you this”

“… The guy she was with was Will. He changed her Eryn- he took my mate”

I stared dumbly at him. My Will... whoa what?

“Blake, what was your mate’s name?”

I felt like vomiting… I  knew the answer already, but I needed him to confirm it. His voice came out in a whisper.


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