Chapter 8

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© 2013 by LifeAsIKnowIt. All rights reserved. 


This is pretty much just a filler chapter. I have this story completed, but im changing a few things and twirking it as i upload. Please keep in mind this was one of my very first stories ever written, so i have been a bit hesitant on uploading it!  

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Standing beside my beaming Uncle I couldn’t help but smile back. I was officially apart of the Midmoon Pack. I suppose that technically I was a rogue before, but I didn’t care. I wasn’t exactly welcomed with open arms from some of the pack members; nor did I have a lot of friends, well okay no friends other then Daniel but I did complete my training and that alone made me a great asset. A full two years of training and it showed. I was in the best shape I’ve ever been in, my legs and arms toned with muscle, my stomach tight and firm. I walked with confidence and pride, the other pack members knew what I could do if I was crossed and although I have never admitted it to my uncle or Daniel; I enjoyed the fear. I was respected but not liked and I was okay with that.  After all I didn’t come here to make friends, I came here to change.

And make Will regret ever hurting us

“Yes Rosie, I haven’t forgotten”

It seems with the training it not only toughened me up, but Rosie as well. She didn’t care as much as before, it was her and I and nobody else. I suppose she really was a rogue in a way. I know it should bother me, now being in a pack and all, but it didn’t. I was okay with it being just Rosie and I.

Lifting my nose I smelled the familiar musky scent. Looking towards the patio doors I slowly backed away from my uncle. Once I was safely out of sight I shut the door with a quiet click.

“It’s about time”

Blake’s arms circled around my waist and I couldn’t help the content sigh that escaped my lips.

“I couldn’t very well just leave MY ceremony as soon as it started; I had to at least make an appearance Blake”

Mmmmhmmm his lips carried across my neck turning me around his lips found mine. I always got so lost in him, he was just so intoxicating.

Breaking away from him I sucked in a much needed breath, his hands started to roam downwards lifting my skirt up as his lips trailed downwards. His hands grabbed the back of my thighs, hiking me up... my legs involuntarily wrapped around his waist.

“Blake not here, not right now” I knew I wasn’t convincing, it came out more as a moan than an order.

“Let me mark you, why can’t I mark you?”

Sighing I put my feet back on the ground. Fixing my skirt and my hair I walked away, it was always the same question, which would always lead the same fight. I wasn’t in the mood to fight with him right now… - again.

“Eryn come on, what are you waiting for honestly? I love you”

“Blake Reed don’t you dare start with me again. You know exactly why I won’t allow you to!” I couldn’t help jabbing my finger into his chest. Dense asshole.

His eyes turned black, shaking my head I turned back around to head back inside. His temper is to short, he’s like a two year old child when he doesn’t get his way. Blake’s hand grabbed my arm making me turn around to face him again.

“Eryn… I want you as my mate; it’ll always be you … always”

His eyes softened, I knew he meant it, hell id love for him to be my mate but there’s just no way if I knew there was a chance that he would change his mind the minute he sees his mate again. She is a human, apparently quite beautiful.  He wanted to do it the “right” way – whatever that meant. He proposed and wanted to wait for their wedding night to make the mating bond complete. When he walked into the honeymoon suit, with a bucket of roses to lie across the bed as a surprise; he caught his mate in bed with another man. He wouldn’t tell me what happened after that, but I knew his mate was still alive. Although I didn’t know for sure if the alpha was. He said that was when he came onto my Uncle Bernie’s land; bloody bruised and beaten. The alpha had to have put up one hell of a fight!

Grabbing his face I pulled him down into a tender kiss. Looking into his now beautiful green eyes I told him softly,

“If there’s a chance-“He went to speak but my hand clamped over his mouth

 “I said IF there’s a chance that when you see her you would leave me – which I told you I would understand -  then I can’t take the chance of fully mating with you. I love you, and I want nothing more than to be truly yours forever, but my heart can’t take that chance Blake”

“There is no chance Eryn, None Zero Ziltch!”

“Blake, it’s so easy to say that now, you’re not around her. I know that whe- IF I ever see Will again it will be hard to not want to love him... even as muc as he hurt me, he will always be my true mate. Just as the human is your's “

“You almost let it slip Eryn”

I know Rosie"

I knew I got through to him. Even if it’s just for an hour or two he will drop it for now.

“Rosie wants to go for a run; I’ll be back soon Kay?”

Stepping up to give him a quick kiss I turned to go to the woods, but not before Blake slapped my ass. I love our relationship, he’s still the grunting asshole around everyone – even me when we aren’t alone but I know now it’s just the way he copes with everything. If you don’t get too close to someone, then they can’t hurt you. I couldn’t help but agree. 

In wolf form I felt so free. After chasing a deer for a while I stopped at the river to take a drink, and rinse the blood off my paws. Looking at my reflection in the water I did a lopsided grin. My dark black fur was so shiny, I was quite big for being a female were but I loved it. I laid down by the water, my paws skimming the surface.

When do we leave?”

“1 month Rosie. 31 days, do you think we are prepared for this?”

“As prepared as we will ever be. We need to do this Eryn”

“I know, I’m not disagreeing with you I’m just a little worried. What will Blake say?”

“Bring him with us, I don’t care. But if he tries to stop us I will hurt him love”

After laying there lost in my thoughts Rosie piped up again

“This is why we came here Eryn”

“I know Rosie; I just don’t want to hurt Blake or my Uncle” 

Getting back up i slowly made my way to the pack house. I needed to find Daniel to spar with me, i needed to let off some steam. This month was going to fly by, and i needed to be ready to fight. 

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