Chapter 21

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“Joel tells me you were looking for me, why?”

Looking him over out of the corner of my eye I couldn’t help but feel a bit intimidated. This guy has the power to kill me; to start a war. I need to figure out his weakness, I need to get the upper hand. Fuck I wish I had a plan. Why did I think winging it would be the best option? Looking him over again I was surprised to find him still staring at me.

“I heard some things; I wanted to offer my assistance”

His eyes narrowed, looking me over again he stood up and walked behind the bar; grabbing Joel rather roughly he went into what I can only assume to be the kitchen. I took a long swig of my drink; a loud crash echoed around the bar… what was going on in there? I jumped off the stool and walked towards the bathrooms; hiding behind the corner. Staying the shadows I tried to eavesdrop on Nolan and Joel’s conversation. It was muffled but I could thankfully still make out what was being said.

“So you just thought to call me?”

“She… she passed the test Nolan. She said she hunts”

“And how the fuck would you know that she hunts?... What did you say to her Joel?”

“No-no- nothing Nola-Sir. Nothing Sir”

Huh, so I was right… there is some unspoken rule.  I felt my barrier being pushed; seriously? Right now? I was growing more frustrated; I couldn’t focus on the conversation when my head felt like it was being squished.


Eryn! I was worried you didn’t call yet!

I grabbed the bridge of my nose.

I said when it was safe I would call. Now what was so important I’m busy Blake.

I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I’m… I’m… going crazy here.

Guilt crept around me, he was worried about me and here I haven’t even thought about him or Will.

“We have more important things at hand right now love”

Blake…. I’m sorry I am but –

The kitchen door slammed open making me jump out of my skin. Nolan walked out with Joel hot on his heels. Fuck me they were done talking!

Blake I have to go, ill contact you when it’s safe.

Eryn… I lov-

My barrier went up as I walked back to my stool. There weren’t many people sitting around here anymore, and it made me nervous. Why did the drunks leave?

“Where were you?”

Looking at Nolan I could tell he was irritated… whether it was directed at me or Joel I didn’t know.

“I’m sorry… do I have to ask your permission when I can piss?”

Grabbing my drink I finished it off in one slam.

“Look Nolan… I’m not here to tip toe around you. I came here to offer my assistance, and like I already told Joel here… I have plans tonight.  So do you want my help or not?”

He looked a little taken back, was he expecting me to beg? His eyes bore into mine; shrugging my shoulders at him I started walking towards the door- the bar empty of patrons. Looking over my shoulder I called back to him

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