Chapter 3

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© 2013 by LifeAsIKnowIt. All rights reserved. 


My tears washed away with the shower water. I can’t believe he did this to me! I washed the remainder of my shampoo out, and tried to scrub away my pain with my loofa.

“He thinks he can hurt me? He’s the sorry excuse of an alpha; I would have made a great Luna”

I jumped out of the shower and slowly dried and dressed myself. I hope Jake and Kelsey are up, if that asshole thinks I’m going to grovel at his feet to let me stay he’s got another thing coming. Careful not to wake any pack members up I made my way into the kitchen to call my uncle.

“Hello?” his gruff voice instantly put a smile on my face

“Uncle Bernie! It’s Eryn”

“Eryn, Hun you haven’t called in so long! How is my favorite niece doing?”

I heard someone come out of there room upstairs, and walk along the hallways

“Uncle Bernie, I’m not doing so good, I don’t have long to talk but could I come stay with you please I’ll explain everything when I get there please Uncle Bernie” it came out all in a rush whisper, I’m surprised Bernie even caught it all

“Leave at noon ill expect you for dinner, and Eryn?”

Relief washed through me, but it was short lived when I heard the footsteps coming down the stairs into the kitchen.

“ye-yeah uncle?”

“Be safe, I’ll see you for dinner”

I hung up the phone with a relieved sigh just as Will walked into the kitchen.

“Look Eryn, what happened last night –

“What happened last night William was the best thing that could have happened to me.” I walked passed him making sure to hit his shoulder. The sparks shot all over my arm but I ignored them. I knew I could be a good liar.

I walked into my bedroom to see Jake and Kelsey sitting on my bed. I gave them each a sad smile, and walked to my closet to grab my duffel bag. As I’m empting out my dresser I feel Kelsey come up to my right and Jake on my left.

“Stop packing love, we will find a way to keep you here, there’s always a loop hole around the alphas command, and we will find it” I look up into Kelsey’s sad eyes, always so optimistic.

“Kelsey I love you, don’t make this harder than it has to be Kay? Besides, I’m going to go stay in my uncle’s pack. I already called him this morning. You’ll see it’ll be just fine and I’ll still get to see you”

We hugged for god knows how long and finally Kelsey excused herself to go wipe her nose and tears. I turned back to my night stand to pack my various frames. Most of them are pictures of Jake Kelsey & I but my favorite one is of my parents. They both were killed by hunters when I was two; my uncle was the one to find them. I don’t remember much, but I remember my mom’s voice, her singing was the most soothing sound.

No need to reminisce Eryn get a move on

Shaking my head I turn around with my parent’s picture and smack right into Jake, I forgot he was still in my bedroom.

“I’ll come visit you every chance I get, I promise. “

“Thanks Jake, for last night..for well for everything”

Looking up into his beautiful eyes I smile

“Eryn, I want to challenge Will when he gets his full alpha rights, and when I win and become alpha I want you to be my Luna”

Studying his face I can see he isn’t joking, he’s determined.

“Jake you can’t talk like that, I love you I do but I will never be your Luna, you will find your mate and she will be everything to you. If you were to be with me, well you would be as bad as Will”

Begging him with my eyes to understand, I could never take a chance no matter how small it may be, to ruin our friendship.

“I’ll text you every day; I’ll call you every day but please don’t hurt yourself Kay?”

With a quick nod from him I turn away and start packing up the rest of my things

“I’m going to go smoke” The door slams, and I knew Jake needed to calm himself down.

Placing my bags in my trunk I slammed the door shut.

“I’m going to miss you so much, please remember to call and text everyday Eryn okay?”

“Of course Kelsey, don’t worry it’s for the better, I’ll be stronger being away from him.”

Giving her one last hug and sad smile I turned to Jake. I grabbed his shirt to make him bend down to my height so I could wrap my arm around his neck, I didn’t expect him to grab my waist and straighten up. My legs involuntarily wrapped around his waist. I felt like a koala hugging a tree.

“I love you so much Eryn, It’s not going to be the same without you here with me, with us”

“I know Jake, but like I said I’ll get stronger being away from him, I won’t be able to heal here. Watching Leanne hang all over Will and him kiss her, it’s just too much”

I laid my head on his shoulder and breathed in his musky scent. I felt him give feather light kisses down my neck and knew that it was time to end this hug. 

I jumped in my car and blew each one of them a kiss, looking up at the pack house for one last time I could see a silhouette in Wills room. 

“He wanted to see us off; he wanted to see if we would cry

“Well Rosie, we won’t give him the satisfaction will we?”

He can rot in hell” Rosie purred

I flipped his window the bird before hauling ass out of there.

Merging onto the interstate I slowly made my way to Ontario Canada, where my uncle’s pack resides.

“Rosie, do you think we made a mistake?”

I could feel her contemplating my question; she was after all hurting as much as me.

“No love, we will train, we will fight and we will be the best shewolf anyone has ever seen. We will make him regret ever breaking us

“Never again Rosie”

Never again love

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