Chapter 32

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So. next chapter is epilouge! As im sure you can read in the chapters im ready to end this story and i think it shows in my writing- but im at the point right now where i dont care i just want it done! After i take a break from rejected ill probably go back and rewrite- tweak-edit the chapters. But until then thanks for reading and as always... id love to hear some feedback :) 



“Come on Eryn it’s not that bad!”

I rolled my eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time today.

“Yes it is! They don’t want to conjoin packs! You were there Will! They are not happy! It is our jobs at alpha and Luna to keep our pack happy. Fuck you suck”

He went to grab me but I moved away from him. If he touched me I knew I’d become lost. So for the past 2 weeks I have been avoiding him as much as possible.  Throwing myself into the pack as much as possible; cooking, cleaning and rearranging rooms to make everyone as comfortable as possible.  My uncle always put the pack before himself and I planned to show these people that I’ am willing to do the same- if they would just give me a chance. Unfortunately not everyone was happy about the new arrangement; thus taking it out on me.

“Eryn; come on. They will grow to be happy! And if you would just let go then you know… you and I could be happy to”

Glaring at him I walked out of the room- letting the door slam behind me.  Walking to the gym I was ready to start the training. I wanted to follow my uncle’s footsteps as much as possible- but I also wanted to make sure that if there ever was another threat with the hunters we wouldn’t need to conjoin packs and end up in the same mess as we are now.

By the time I finished training I was exhausted. As everyone slowly trickled out of the gym- probably even more tired than me- I bee lined it for the showers.  We had another meeting tonight with the pack- one I was dreading.

Walking into my office I was surprised to find Blake, Leanne and Will already seated- waiting for me. Making my way to my desk I sat- Will grabbed his chair and moved beside giving me a lopsided smile.

“Blake do you know why you’re here?”

I tried to let my face become an emotionless mask.


“Leanne- do you know why you are here?”

Where Blake sounded like he was just grunting out an answer Leanne actually looked scared- like she should be.  Instead of speaking she just nodded at me- never meeting my eye.

“After speaking with our pack members I left the decision up to them…”

Letting my voice carry off I studied Blake before continuing- while his mate sat beside him shaking he showed no interest in comforting her. She was obviously scared and if they actually did mate- he should be feeling her emotions.

“Will – Leanne step outside I need to speak with Blake”

Wills hand went to my thigh



Leanne instantly jumped up and ran out of the room- Will took his time. Narrowing his eyes at Blake while he stomped off. As soon as the door was shut I looked back to Blake. Neither one of us said anything at first- just looking at each other. Of course beings that I can’t handle awkward silence I was the first to break it.

“I don’t hate you.”

Blake smiled at me and nodded

“I know… I don’t hate you either”

“I was… I mean… I still am hurt about all this”

He looked down running his fingers through his hair; looking back up his eyes boar into mine

“Me to love”

“You know- your mate- she’s scared right now. You need to comfort her. As much as it pains me to say it…”

His smile disappeared; but again he nodded

“And you know that it’s okay to forgive Will. You guys could be really great together- if you let it happen…”

My point was to get on good terms with Blake again- truth be told I missed him. I missed his humor and his good company- he was my shoulder for so long it felt weird not being able to lean on him anymore. But us talking about our relationships? Ya that was too weird for me.

“Come back in here please Leanne and Will”

Instantly the door swung open, Will strutting in and shooting a glare at Blake before resuming his chair beside me. Leanne timidly took her seat again.

“Leanne- you will pay for your betrayal- but not by death… or by my hands. I’ll let the punishment be decided by my pack understood?”

She nodded; breathing out a sigh of relief.

Looking over to Blake- although I could tell he was trying to hide it; he was relieved to.

“Blake- I want you to be my beta”

Will growled beside me; rolling my eyes at him I looked back over to Blake to see him beaming.

“Of course- Luna”

Nodding I shooed them out of my office. When the door slammed Will looked at me; fuming.

“What the fuck Eryn?”

Looking over at him innocently I cocked my head

“Oh don’t even baby girl; why the fuck is Blake out of everybody in our packs – BLAKE your beta? What about Kelsey? Er fuck even Jake is better than him

“Oh Will- Blake is my beta because- despite our circumstances right now- he is the only one I’ve ever trusted with my life. Kelsey and I have not been friends for years and Jake? Really? He doesn’t even know how to fight. Let alone have responsibilities!”

Standing up I made my way to the door. I knew that once the jealousy dissipated from hi he would agree to y decision. Blake was the best beta I could choose for myself.

As my hand touched the doorknob I looked back at him


His eyes snapped to mine

“I’m going to need to take… us… slow. I’m willing to … at least… try to forgive you”

His arms were wrapped around me in an instant; hugging me close.

“That’s all I have ever asked baby girl”

Smiling I tilted my head up to capture my lips with his. 

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