Chapter 11

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© 2013 by LifeAsIKnowIt. All rights reserved. 


I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! i hate mondays!! agh. I never edited this, if there are mistakes (which im sure there are) point them out to me and ill fix it all. 

Any feedback would be apppreciated :-)

Enjoy :)


The last few days flew by faster than I would have liked. If I wasn’t helping the elders cooking meals to freeze I was cleaning bedding in the empty pack houses. I don’t understand why everyone was busting there asses trying to make the pack houses and lands so perfectly neat… it’s not like the CrystalNight pack deserves any of it. I’m sure we could make better use of our time… like building dog houses for them to sleep in. Sighing I went in search for Daniel, I haven’t been able to train for most of the better week and I needed a good ass whooping.

As I crept down the hallway I couldn’t help but give myself a mental high five, only two more hallways to go before I get to the gym. At the end of the hallway mother Mary turned the corner, trying to be quiet I ran into the first door that was unlocked and shut it quick.

“What are you up to Bug?”

Whipping around I came nose to nose with my uncle.

“Oh, you know just looking for Daniel I need to train.”

“And you came running in here why?”

I couldn’t help but smile he knew exactly why I came in here

“You hiding from mother Mary as well Uncle?”

His blushing cheeks gave me the answer I needed, creeping back to the door I slowly opened it, shooting my uncle a wink I was ready to make a mad dash to the gym, but my uncles voice stopped me.

“Eryn, go train but CrystalNight is going to be here in 2 hours please make sure you are here to greet them. I need my beta on my side.”

Looking over my shoulder at him I gave him a tight nod and ran like a bat out of hell to the gym

“Finally! I was waiting for you to show up here!”

Looking over at Daniel I felt relieved. He always had such a calming effect on me.

Smirking I started to walk over to him, discarding my clothes as I walked leaving me in my sports bra and lulu shorts.

“Feel like getting beat up by a girl Dannyboy?”

Flashing me his pantie-dropping smile he said

“I’m always ready to have a girl all over me”

Laughing I got into my stance ready to go. I took one step forward, he took one step back. I couldn’t help but laugh as we sat there taunting each other; seeing which one would throw the first punch. This is exactly what I needed. Catching me off guard Daniel threw the first punch; I brought my hands up and blocked him while shooting my left foot out to kick him back. Instantly he jumped back and took another swing. Back and forth we went around the gym, I got a few good hits in but he and I both knew at the end of our session he was the champ. Collapsing on the gym mats I looked up just as a damp rag was thrown at me. Wiping off the blood I patted the floor next to me. Smirking at him I said;

“What got you so riled up? You never win”  

“Haha Eryn, nothing got me riled up I just haven’t been able to train with you for a while, needed to make sure I still had it” Shooting me a wink he bumped my shoulder. I brought the cloth up to wipe his face where some blood had dried.

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