Chapter 28

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My arms and legs felt heavy; but so comfortable. Moving my fingers slowly I grabbed the sheet I was laying on. When did I get into a bed? What the hell happened?

Slowly creeping my eyes open I was grateful it was dark; I really didn’t think my eyes would be able to handle the harsh brightness.

 I felt… clean. Looking down there was no blood splatter, no bruises- hell I didn’t even have a scratch… how long have I been out?  A touch on my back made me jump; I could see the silhouette through the moonlight and knew it was Will.

“Are you thirsty?”

I didn’t think I was before; but trying to swallow it felt like sand paper- I nodded my head to him grabbing my throat. Looking around the room once he left I realized I was in Will’s room. I could see a few of my things lying around- why wasn’t I in my room? And where the fuck was Blake?

Will came rushing in handing me the water which I greedily drank down. Looking up at him his face seemed nervous.

“Wh-what ha-happened?” My voice sound hoarse; like I smoked a pack of cigarettes a day.

His eyes wouldn’t make contact with mine; letting out a breath he smiled a sad smile at me.

“You killed Nolan and all of his men Eryn. All of them! I don’t think we will have to worry about hunters for a while.” He smiled at me again; what wasn’t he telling me?

“Well... that’s… good Will. What else?”

I grabbed his chin to lift his face up; I wanted him to look me in the eyes

“You attacked Leanne.”

I giggled at him…That’s it? That’s what was so bad that he was nervous about telling me? Of course I attacked Leanne; bitch deserved it.

“Eryn… you.. you almost killed her- Blake had to step in and … he well he” I could tell Will was having an internal debate.

“Just spit it out already Will”

“He went wolf- you were attacking his mate. He managed to get you off her; the only thing that would save Leanne was Blake… he marked her Eryn. They mated.”

He marked her? How could he? I could feel the same rage starting to build up inside my stomach. Breathing in deeply I glared at Will.

“Get out”

“Eryn you have to understand- they belong to-


He stood up ready to leave; but not before giving me a sympathetic smile.

“They belong together Eryn; like you and I. We belong together.”

His words- although he was trying to reason with me- only angered me more.

“Oh!? NOW we belong together Will? Now is it a convenient time for us?”

Ignoring the pain of my limbs I stood up stalking forward like he was prey.

“You think you are forgiven for breaking me? For breaking Rosie?”

I pulled back a fist and went to deck him in his pretty little mouth. His hand shot up and grabbed my fist inches before it would have made contact. He grabbed my waist and slammed me against the wall. I barley felt the pain that should have erupted all over my back.

“I have apologized! I was a little boy Eryn; if you would just give me the chance I could prove it to you, hell I will show you how sorry I am every minute of every day… if you would just let me fucking in! You are my everything; there will never be another man that will love you as much as I do.  Just, let me show you”

His breath fanned my face; and his arm loosened around my waist.

Looking up into his eyes I started to calm down. Would I ever really be able to forgive him? Could I just let it all go? Start over? It sure would be nice- he was my mate.

“Eryn; let me love you.”

He looked so broken. His voice was pleading with me; looking back into his eyes I almost gasped- he was crying.

“Please; let me show you how you mean to me. Just let me show you how sorry I’am.”

His lips found mine; tasting of salty tears. I tried to fight the bond; well I kind of tried to fight the bond. It was a very futile attempt. Giving in I deepened the kiss. Will instantly grabbed the back of my thighs; putting my legs around his waist and pushing me up higher against the wall. The kiss was igniting flames in the both of us; I could feel the passion over-ride the rage I was feeling; grabbing the back of wills head I tugged making him groan. A low growl vibrated from his chest and instantly I was pulled off the wall. I didn’t know if he was trying to put us on the bed; but he gave up half way through and pushed me against my dresser.

Breaking the kiss for air; I gasped as his lips worked there magic down my neck, nipping the skin. My legs tightened around his waist as his hands moved up to my chest. I moaned out loud and grabbed his face for another kiss; biting his bottom lip we both growled. I must have bit too hard because I could taste the metallic taste of blood; but for some reason it only turned us both on more.

He whipped us around and slammed us into the bed; the nightstand flung to the side in the process. There was too many layers for us grabbing his shirt I ripped it off his chest; for some reason there just wasn’t enough time for him to take it off. As I lied on my back he started to kiss down my thigh; teasing the skin.

“Let me mark you”

I almost whispered yes of course

That thought alone was like a bucket of cold water dumped onto me. I jumped off the bed-away from him.

“Eryn ple-

I shook my head and went for the door; I needed some air.

As I was about to step out Will tried grabbing my hand.

“Eryn don’t run away from me”

Shaking my head I ran to the patio and out the door- heading to my spot.

As I walked into the tree line the sound of furniture being destroyed and profanities echoed around me.

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