Chapter 12

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© 2013 by LifeAsIKnowIt. All rights reserved. 


Its a little short because i wanted to hear from you guys. I usually hate when stories jump from one P.O.V to another but i was wondering if you readers would like to have a Blake, Will,Jake or Daniel P.O.V or if i should just continue with Eryn's. Let me know and ill upload another chapter this afternoon of whatever you readers would like. I have already wrote this story ( years ago) so i have just been tweeking the chapters as i go. It was my very first story and although i know the writing can be pretty bad at times, it shows how far ive come so i didnt want to change to much of it. AnywaysI could easily add a diff P.O.V chapter :) let me know what ya'll would like :)

Chapter 12

Rolling off Blake with a satisfied sigh I grinned, that was just what I needed. I knew I was a little louder than usual but I was just so happy. After dinner last night I stuck around to help the elders clean, all the while Will sat at the table staring at me. I knew I shouldn’t but I just couldn’t help flaunting how different I looked. I knew I looked good; hell I’ve never had a 6 pack before let alone strutted around with tight shorts and a sports bra! I had confidence now and I could stand up for myself why wouldn’t I flaunt that? After I helped clean Blake came and grabbed me, after our run around the forest we ended up in our bedroom satisfying each other in every way we could. Not one word was spoken about Will or Jake and I was glad, I didn’t need Blake worrying himself over something so insignificant.

“Insignificant? Ya right Eryn”

Ignoring Rosie’s remark I snuck out of bed and headed for the bathroom to grab a shower; Daniel was going to be keeping me busy today!

I threw on some yoga pants with a tight tee’ leaving my long hair down to air dry. Making my way downstairs I ran right into Kelsey. I didn’t see her last night at dinner, I assumed she found her mate and left the pack but apparently not. We were both rooted to the spot, I didn’t know if she was angry with me like Jake was. She looked the same, wearing skinny jeans and a pink cardigan; still as beautiful as ever.

“Long time no see”

My eyes snapped to hers; trying to feel her out she didn’t sound mad but Kelsey was always such a loose cannon.

“Um yeah it’s been a long time…I never seen you at dinner last night…”

“Wasn’t hungry”

 “how um how are you?”

“Nice Eryn Real nice! Haven’t seen your best friend for years and that’s what you come up with? How are you?”

I was going to give Rosie a tongue lashing but Kelsey interrupted my internal fight

“Just fucking peachy Eryn.”

With that she walked past me making sure to hit my shoulder as she passed… yup definitely as angry as Jake. Shaking my head I continued my trek to the kitchen. I get why there mad but come one I was dealing with a lot and she should have understood why I couldn’t keep calling, I couldn’t hear about him anymore it hurt so much and –

“Whoa easy”

Looking up I couldn’t help it I wanted to laugh could my morning get any fucking better? I haven’t even had any coffee yet. Looking up Jake seemed as annoyed as I was. He had a five o’clock shadow growing around his mouth, and his eyes looked so tired. I felt a pang of guilt knowing I was more than likely the cause.

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