Chapter 5

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© 2013 by LifeAsIKnowIt. All rights reserved. 


I literally forgot how to breathe. Prying my eyes away from this hazel eyed beauty I breathed in deeply then looked at everyone sitting around the table.

“Hello everyone, my name is Eryn Jay.” Smiling timidly I tried my best to seem as friendly as possible, and tried not to let the staring eyes get to me.

“To answer some of your questions, um, I can fight but not well. I’d love to be properly trained, I swear I won’t bitch and complain”

Holding up two of my fingers I said with a little smirk

“Scouts honor” That got a few giggles from some.

As everyone started conversing with each other again I couldn’t help but look back at Mr. Green eyes. His arms were crossed, showing off his well-defined arms. I knew I was shamelessly checking him out, but I couldn’t help it. I’ve never seen so much muscle on one man. Finally peeling my eyes off his arms I let them roam his chest. Wearing a very form fitting green t-shirt I could see the 6 pack underneath. What I wouldn’t give to let my fingers –

“What do you say Eryn?”

“Huh? Oh sorry Uncle I, I have a headache and ya sorry what did you say?”

“Daniel here is one of my best fighters; he offered to train you, if you want?”

Looking over at Daniel, he was almost as good looking as Mr. Green eyes. His eyes were blue, like Jakes, and his hair blonde. He was wearing a tight wife beater, and from what I could see track pants.  Yes, I would really love to train with him.

Eryn, get your mind out of the gutter. Remember Will? Remember what he did to us? The reason why we are here? ”

“Sorry Rosie, you’re completely right.”

I looked right into Daniels pretty blue eyes

“Thank you for being so generous! When do we start?”

His blue eyes stared deep into mine, I seen a playful smirk linger on his lips as he spoke

“We will start tomorrow AM. You want to be a good fighter? You have to work for it. We will train 7 days a week, five to six in the morning and seven to eight at night. That work for you? It’s okay if you can’t; most women can’t handle my techniques. But don’t worry if you decide it’s not what you want anymore, we could always use another woman in the kitchen. ”

His voice was so angelic and smooth. I didn’t like it. He didn’t think I could handle it.  He was fucking mocking me.  

“He doesn’t know what were capable of, we can handle it.”

“That works fine Brad”

“My name is Daniel”

“Ya, Whatever”

Turning away from him and answering questions from the other pack members dinner finished off smoothly.  Standing up I went to go place my plate in the dishwasher and ran right into a very hard chest. Looking up I seen it was Mr. Green eyes, his height was staggering. He must be at least 6’7.

“S-sorry about that I wasn’t paying attention”

He looked at me with a straight face; I was so close to him I could see the dark shadow of his beard starting to show. His glossy brown hair was disheveled, like he didn’t care that it was messy and dammit he looked delicious.

He grunted and walked past me, making sure to bump my shoulder along the way, like I had done to Will just this morning.

What was that for?”

“That Rosie was Karma.”

I decided to spend the rest of my evening on the patio with my book. Sitting there watching the sun set made me feel completely relaxed. The sound of my phone interrupted my moment.  I answered it without even glancing at the caller I.D.


“You said you would call Eryn”

“Jake! I’m so sorry it has been crazy here! I just haven’t had a chance I’m so sorry”

I started to tell Jake my day, and how dinner went. He filled me in on what happened to school and how one of the cheerleaders tripped in the cafeteria, spilling her drink and food all over the other cheerleaders. I started laughing and didn’t stop until we were saying our goodbyes. Jake can always make me feel better.

“Thanks Jakey I needed that laugh”

“Well you should laugh more, it’s a beautiful sound”

When I didn’t respond I heard him sigh

“I miss you Eryn”

“I miss you to”

“Call me tomorrow okay? Please just remember to call or text me, I don’t want to be one of those people that just loses a great friendship because of lost contact…It’s so easy to just call Kay?”

“I know Jake I will I promise”

“I love you Eryn”

“I love you to”

Still looking up at the setting sun I hung up my phone with a heavy sigh. I really did miss him and Kelsey. Standing up to stretch and grab my book I seen a silhouette sitting on the bench in the yard. Getting closer to the railing and squinting my eyes I could make out a green shirt and brown hai- OH, it was my Mr. Green eyes.

Asshole green eyes Eryn

When I was finally able to focus on his face I was surprised to find him staring straight back at me. Had he been eavesdropping on my conversation? Or did I interrupt him? I watched him stand up and stalk off to the woods, but not before turning back around and giving me the nastiest glare I have ever seen. 

Well then, somebody pissed him off.

“I don’t like him”

“I know Rosie; we will just steer clear of him. Let’s just focus on our training. We don’t need any more dramatics in our life.”

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