Chapter 19

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I posted another chapter because i felt bad at how short the first one was. 

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Until tomorrow OH and lets just assume that every chapter written is unedited! kthanks!


Waking up I was happy to see Blake nowhere in sight. I had to finish packing, and I didn’t need Blake hovering around. I knew I was going to be distant again but I think it’s for the best. I don’t love Will, I love Blake… it’s just the mating bond with Will.

“Keep telling yourself that love”

By the time I finished packing it was close to 2; dragging my ass to the bathroom I had a quick shower. Standing in front of my closet with just a towel I realized I didn’t know what to wear. What do hunters usually wear?

“Dress sexy.”

“Rosie, I need to look like a hunter… not a prostitute.”

Doesn’t matter love… we are dealing with men. You have boobs and an ass…. Won’t matter what you’re wearing as long as its sexy”

Well… I guess she had a point. Grabbing my ripped skinny jeans I hopped around the room trying to get them up – there was a reason I hated wearing these; there to damn tight. Finally getting the button done I grabbed a shirt that was in the very back of my closet. It was long… but netted. I adjusted myself so I was comfortable; the shirt had a built in bra and was completely see through on my back and my stomach. The only part that was covered was a thin solid white band going around my chest. Running my hands through my hair I grabbed some mousse to tussle my waves. I looked good… trashy… but good.

Grabbing my bag I went downstairs to join everyone for lunch.  I was surprised to see only mother Mary in the kitchen.

“Where is everyone Mar?”

“They are all eating outside… your uncle wants you to bring your lunch into his office.”

Giving Mary a kiss on the cheek I took my sandwich and made my way to Uncle Bernie.

“Hey it’s me; my hands are full could you open the door for me?”

Looking down I readjusted my bag. Why didn’t I leave this downstairs? A growl vibrated around me. Jumping I looked up into Blake’s face. His eyes roamed my body; stopping at my breasts.

I snapped my fingers in front of his face

“Oie My face is up here”

“Wh-what what are you wearing?”

His voice was strained, looking down I could see a bulge forming in his pants.

“See? Slutty clothes… the men are putty”

Walking past him I sat down on the love seat and dug into my sandwich. Looking over I realized – too late – that I sat down right beside Will. Blake took the seat across from me; still looking at my chest.

“Um Uncle… what’s going on? Mary told me to come up here”

I waited for him to speak, but it seems as Will and Blake couldn’t take their eyes off me my uncle couldn’t take his eyes off them. Rolling my eyes I pulled my knees up to cover my chest; scowling at Blake.

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