My BestFriend

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Summer:"Wait a minute so you telling me he fucked your sister when the hell was this?"

Ashley:"I don't even know bruh like im so done with him and i can't even believe that i loved him." She said Crying.

Summer:"I should have known that he was cheating on you I just couldn't put my finger on it."

Ashley:"Whatever it doesn't matter anymore im moving on from his dusty ass but enough about me what about you."

Summer:"Oh Um what about me theres nothing to know." She said rubbing her arm repeatedly.

Ashley:"I know your lying Summer what is it you can tell me im Your Damn BestFriend."

Summer:"Okay well umm Im- uh Im Pregnant." She said with a sad facial expression.

Ashley:"Omg bishhhh yassss foreal doe!?"

Summer:"Yeah but I don't wanna keep it."

Ashley:"Say what now oh yes the hell you do im pretty sure your boyfriend would love to have a baby."

Summer:"Thats the problem its not his."

Ashley:"Whatchu mean it ain't his?"

Summer:"Well you remember that night at the club and i was drunk as fuck."

Ashley:"Yeah What about it."

Summer:"Well I got a ride from this darkskin guy right and i thought he was taking me back to my place but we ended up at his place and next thing i know he was on top of me and i was a little drunk to actually notice what was happening."

Ashley:"Why The FUCK would you get a ride from someone you don't know Summer Jesus Christ are you dumb or are you stupid!" She said getting up and pacing back and forth.

Summer:"Don't blame this shit on me I told you that I didn't wanna go out and you took me anyways!"

Ashley:"Oh so its my fault that you can't hold your damn liquor Summer."

Summer:"I know im sorry its just that im scared asf and Brian is supposed to be coming back into town in like four days."

Ashley:"Damn Summer so what are you gonna do."

Summer:"Get a abortion duh."

Ashley:"You can't take away a baby's life because of your actions Summer."

Summer:"I know but when Brian finds out it isn't his he's gonna flip his shit bruh!"

Ashley:"Oh well you just gonna have to deal with it cuz im not about to let you take away that babys life."

Summer:"So If the baby comes out Darkskin im supposed to say oh maybe it will get lighter i will sound bout dumb as fuck."

Ashley:"Well you shouldn't have hopped in some niggas car now you gotta deal with it."

Summer:"I guess I mean even though he might BREAK UP WITH ME I guess ill deal with it. She said going in her room and slamming the door shut.

Ashley Pov:Now don't get me wrong I love my besti to death but the decisions that she makes is just stupid as fuck sometimes I wonder what she be thinking some damn times like if i tell her don't do anything stupid she goes and does it anyways and then shes talking about abortions and shit now i don't fuck with that stuff shes just gonna have to stick it out until we figure sum out.

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