Karma Kry's

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~ Sunday 10:34 AM ~

Brian's Pov:I had just woke up and I noticed the other side of my bed was empty and I really didn't care cuz I was glad Summer is gone I know I've did her wrong in the past but this time I wanted something real with her but she ruined it so oh well. After doing my morning routine I went to go get Brian Jr ready so Christina can come and pick him up because I only get him from Friday through Sunday. As soon as I put his shoes on Christina was already knocking on the door.

Christina:"Hey wheres my little munchkin at." She said stepping in the house.

Brian:"He's laying down on the couch I was just putting his shoes on and damn its cold as hell out there." He said closing the door.

Christina:"I know thats why I put this big ass coat on where's your soon to be wife." She said tying Brian Jr's shoe.

Brian:"She doesn't live here anymore."

Christina:"Say what now?" She said sarcastically.

Brian:"Christina please don't start I'm not in the mood."

Christina:"My bad damn what happened."

Brian:"She cheated on me and now she's pregnant."

Christina:"Oh well sorry to here that." "Um I'll see you next week say bye daddy." She said waving Brian Jr's Hand.

Brian:"See you later." He said kissing Brian Jr's cheek.

Ashley's Pov:Its been a week sense me and Andre have been in Paris and I've been really enjoying myself and so far me and Andre had sex like six times already.

Ashley:"Come on babe I wanna go shopping." She said playing in his hair.

Andre:"We went yesterday Ashley." He said half asleep.

Ashley:"So that doesn't mean we can't get more stuff I mean we are on our honeymoon we might as well have fun while it last."

Andre:"Fine get ready." He said getting up.

Ashley:"Yay thanks bae I love you." She said kissing his lips.


Andre's Pov:I love Ashley with all my heart but all she wants to do is spend my money sense we've been here all she's been doing is swiping my card now don't get me wrong If she ask for something I'm getting it but she still doesn't have to use up my money like she crazy.

~ 1 Hour Later ~

Ashley:"Damn I'm tired already and we really haven't been to any stores."

Andre:"Yeah I bet my card tired to." He said under his breath.

Ashley:"I heard that."

Andre:"I really don't care."

Ashley:"And why the hell not?" She said crossing her arms.

Andre:"Because every sense we've been here all we've been doing is shopping why can't we go out and eat or go exploring or something other then buying stuff you know damn well your never gonna wear."

Ashley:"Well if I wanna just shop whats the problem with that I don't hear you complaining when I be giving you pussy at night now do I."

Andre:"So thats two different things Ashley."

Ashley:"Okay well if I give you pussy you should buy me stuff don't you think."

Andre:"Yeah whatever but I'm not going over a million dollars like I did the other day."

Brian's Pov:So after Christina left I decided to go and check up on how me and Andre's business been going. When I got there our Board Counselor was waiting for me in Andre's office and I know it wasn't good either.

Brian:"Um hey Mr. Washington whats going on?" He said closing the door behind him.

Mr. Washington:"Oh Hello Mr. Johnson I was expecting Mr. Miller but I guess you will do sense you own half of this business."

Brian:"Uh yeah I do so what is it that you want?"

Mr. Washington:"I've been getting some real bad comments about this little business you guys got going on so I came here to see how you guess run things."

Brian:"And what type of bad comments are they?"

Mr. Washington:"That you guys don't do your job oh and you guys play games with the artist that come here for help and the marketing points are going down and when I say down I mean Downnn." He said walking towards the big glass window.

Brian:"Well one we do our jobs very well two we treat all of our artist the same which is in a good way three our marketing points are just find the last time I checked we were good so whats going on with them that you had to show up."

Mr. Washington:"What I'm saying is if you guys don't get it together This business will get shut down meaning all of this money you guys are getting will stop coming in so I advise you guys to get it together and make sure you tell Andre please." He said walking out the office.

Brian's Pov:I was in the car on my way home when I turned my radio on Chris Brown Grass Ain't Greener came on just my damn luck but it is a good ass song and he speaking the truth sounds like the same damn thing I'm going through with Summer right now.

Brian:"You used to be the one I talk to on the side waiting for my love to break up." Its crazy how your ass can walk through every night acting like you been a player that grass ain't greener on the other side oh yeah." He said singing along.

~30 Minutes Later Brian & Andre's Convo~

Andre:"They gonna do what now!"

Brian:"I know man everything we've worked for its gonna be gone unless we do something about it."

Andre:"Shit and we just checked the marketing points not to long ago how the hell they go down again."

Brian:"I don't know."

Andre:"Listen go in tomorrow and get as many Artist to come in I got a plan when you call all of them in I want you to hold a conference in my office with me on the phone."

Brian:"Um what are you plan on doing?"

Andre:"You'll find out when you do what I tell you to do tomorrow now can you do it without messing it up or do I need a kindergartner to do it for me."

Brian:"Man shut Ill handle it."

Andre:"Good now bye."


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