Bad News

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~ 1 Week Later ~

Ashley's Pov:When I came back from my trip I started to get morning sickness and I knew that could only mean one thing I'm pregnant. This morning I got up did my hygiene stuff got dressed and left out to go to the store, the first thing I picked was a pregnancy test I was so scared I was shaking and starting to sweat a little bit. When I got home I hesitated to take it but then I just said fuck it and took it, while I waited for it to show if I was pregnant or not I did a couple of exercises around the house to get my mind off of it thank god Andre wasn't home because he would have found out real quick. When I was done I went back into the bathroom and looked at the stick I swear I almost lost my mind when I saw the result.

~ 30 Minutes Later ~

Summer's Pov:I decided to take a trip to Andre's job to talk to him about Ashley because she's been acting hella secretive lately and she never even told me she was back in town I had to find that out by watching celebrity news.

Summer:"Excuse me I've been waiting to talk to Andre for almost an hour whats taking so long." She said talking to his assistant.

Andre's Assistant:"Mam I'm sorry but Mr. Miller has been busy all day and as you can see your not the only person in this building that has to talk to him." She said looking around at the room full of people.

Summer:"Listen I need to talk to him it's very important."

Andre's Assistant:"I understand but mam I can't let you go in the-"

Andre:"It's okay donna she's next anyways come on Summer:" He said coming out his office with some people.

Summer:"Finally." She said walking in his office.

Andre:"So whats up what u wanna talk about."


Andre:"What about her?"

Summer:"She's been acting a little strange don't you think?"

Andre:"No not really what are you getting at here."

Summer:"I don't know its just her attitude has changed she even stopped texting and calling me."

Andre:"Well maybe she doesn't feel like talking to anyone."

Summer:"No thats not like her to just stop talking to her own bestfriend."

Andre:"Look Summer I have a lot of work to do so if you wanna know whats going on with her go to our house and see." He said putting his hand on his hip.

Summer:"Ugh fine." She said walking out his office.

~ 30 Minutes Later ~

Summer:"Ashley I know your ass in there open the damn door."

Ashley:"What do u want summer?" She said opening the door.

Summer:"I want to talk to my bestfriend." She said walking pass her.

Ashley:"Look I'm not in the mood today Summer."

Summer:"I don't give two fucks why have you been ignoring me."

Ashley:"I don't feel like talking to you thats why."

Summer:"And why is that?"

Ashley:"Summer I just don't okay damn why you always on my case."

Summer:"Your my bestfriend thats why and what is that mark on your neck." She said trying to touch her neck.

Ashley:"No stop!" She said stepping back.

Summer:"Damn girl calm down let me see."

Ashley:"I don't want you to see it."

Summer:"Is it a bruise or sum?" "Has Andre been hitting you?" She said Looking worried.

Ashley:"Yes and no."

Summer:"Okay if Andre isn't the one hitting you who is it?"

Ashley:"Wa- Wayne." She said in a low tone.


Ashley:"See this is why I don't tell you shit!" She said walking towards the living room.

Summer:"What do you mean this is why you don't tell me stuff?" "Ashley there's a nigga hitting you and he's not even married to you well I mean no man should be hitting a female but you know what I mean!"

Ashley:"Summer it's not like that."

Summer:"Well it looks like it." "How long had this been going on?"

Ashley:"It started when I went on my business trip he came to Paris and came to my hotel and put his hands on me then he um uh."

Summer:"Um uh what!"

Ashley:"He raped me."

Summer:"Now he gotta die lets go." She said grabbing her arm."

Ashley:"Summer stop let me go." She said pulling away from her.

Summer:"What you mean stop look Ashley I don't know what's your problem but you need to get it together."

Ashley:"I'm sorry I just don't know how I'm gonna tell Andre."

Summer:"Oh shit I forgot all about that for a moment."

Ashley:"Right if I tell him this he'll be heartbroken or worse."

Summer:"But it wasn't your fault he basically overpowered you."

Ashley:"I just don't know what to do."

Summer:"Don't worry we'll figure something out we always do."

Ashley:"Its like he's obsessed with me or something."

Summer:"His crazy ass is obsessed with you because if he wasn't he wouldn't be paying you any mind."

Ashley:"Summer I have something else to tell you."

Summer:"Let me guess more bad news."


Summer:"What is it?"

Ashley:"I'm Pregnant."

Hey Everyone It's Sharay Here I Just Wanted To Let You All Know That This Is The Last Chapter For This Book And Yes There Will A Part 2 For This Book Coming Soon Hopefully Before The Summer Time School Is In The Way Right Now So It's Gonna Be A While But I Just Wanna Take The Time To Say Thank You For My Readers Who Stuck With Me For This Book And I Will Make Sure To Inform You All When I Put Out Part 2. 😘👋🏾✌🏾

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