Rude Awakening

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Brian's Pov:I was supposed to come home two days from now but my business trip had got cut early so i was able to leave when I opened the door I had saw Ashley looking at me like i was some ghost or sum  and really I was kinda bothered because Summer didn't even tell me that her best friend was moving back with us im guessing Ashley and Damien aren't hitting it off like they was supposed to.

Brian:"Hey Ash how have you been?"

Ashley:"Ive been good what about you?"

Brian:"Never been better um where summer at?"

Ashley:"She went out like some hours ago I just texted her to tell her what we should have for dinner."

Brian:"Oh um okay well ill be upstairs." "Oh and when did you move back in." He said grabbing his bags off of the floor.

Ashley:"Like a day ago." She said putting her feet up on the coffee table and turning the tv on.

Brian:"Oh um okay well when summer gets here tell her im in the room waiting for her I need to talk to her."

Ashley:"Alright, Hm I wonder whats his problem?" She mumbled.

Brian's Pov:Im so sick and tired of Summer doing things without me like she act like she the one paying the damn bills around here I let Ashley stay here once before and I had no problem with it then she started messing with that nigga Damien. Afterwards she moved out i was actually happy because that meant that me and Summer could have time together and actually try to start our new life and as soon as i get a call that i gotta go on a business trip she goes behind my back and let Ashley move back in without asking me now I know i sound like her father or sum but this is my damn house and whatever happens goes through me first.

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