Someone New

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Ashley's Pov:I was at work today and my boss had me working extra hard on some stupid ass suit that some man was supposed to be picking up in about a hour the only thing I had left to do was sow the pockets onto the pants.

Mr.Brown:"Well done ms. Jones you did a wonderful job." He said looking at the suit.

Ashley:"Thanks Boss it was hard but it turned out great." She said with a fake smile.

Mr.Brown:"My good friend Andre should be here soon so be ready to give it to him when he gets here and make sure its wrapped perfectly please." He said turning to walk away.

Ashley:"Sure thing boss."

Ashley's Pov:Mr. Brown is so damn annoying bruh like every time he speaks its makes you want to smother him with a damn pillow.

~ 30 minutes later ~

Andre:"Hi Im here to pick up my suit."

Ashley:"Oh hi here you go I finished it just in time." She said handing him his nicely wrapped suit.

Andre:"Thanks, by the way your very beautiful."

Ashley:"Oh Uh thank you I guess."

Andre:"Whats your name?"

Ashley:"It's Ashley. Why you asking?"

Andre:"Cuz maybe I wanna get to know you a little bit."

Ashley:"What and after that have sex with me, then cheat on me?"

Andre:"Wait what are you talking about I would never do that to a women."

Ashley:"Suree you wouldn't." She said putting her supplies away.

Andre:"Look heres my phone number call me when your ready to get to know me." He said handing her a business card.


Summer's Pov:After what happened between me and Brian I felt so damn good about it like for once I felt free to do what I wanted like I wasn't getting controlled anymore him telling me what to do was getting on my damn nerves anyways.

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