The New Assistant Part 4

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~ Friday 7:35 PM ~

Andre's Pov:When I came home Wednesday Ashley didn't even bother talking to me because she claim I was cheating on her with Cassidy but I wasn't well at least I think I wasn't, but today I am having a little get together at my house and everyone that works for me is invited, I was gonna have it outside but its a little rainy today so I'm having it inside.

Andre:"Ashley why won't you talk to me already?" He said grabbing her arm.

Ashley:"Andre get off of me."

Andre:"No I'm not letting you go until you tell me why."

Ashley:"Because you didn't come home on Tuesday then when you did come home the NEXT MORNING you smelt like that bitch Cassidy so she must have been up on you!" She said snatching her arm away.

After Ashley yelled out loud everyone stopped what they were doing and attention ended up on them.

Cassidy:"Is everything okay Mr. Miller?" She said walking towards him.

Andre:"Yes everything is fine just continue what you were doing." "I apologize everyone nothing to see here continue with what you were doing!"

As soon as Andre said continue thats what everyone did.

Ashley:"Can you get out of my face and get me some more rolls out of the pantry please."

Andre:"Fine but we will continue this conversation after everyone leaves." He said walking around the corner to the pantry.

Andre's Pov:While I was in the pantry looking for some more rolls I heard the door crack and then close behind me and then a strong scent of nice smelling perfume hit my nose.

Cassidy:"Looking for something."

Andre:"Oh hey um what are you doing."

Cassidy:"I just thought you needed some company sense Ashley is shutting you out a little bit."

Andre:"She's not shutting me out were just having little problems thats all." He said digging for the rolls.

Cassidy:"Here let me help you." She said looking for the rolls also.


Cassidy:"No problem boss."

Ashley's Pov:Now I sent Andre to look for the rolls ten minutes ago and he still hasn't came back I guess Ima look my damn self. When I reached the pantry I heard low deep talking that sounded very familiar and I already knew it was Andre but who the fuck is in there with him. As I opened the door I saw Cassidy leaning against Andre while he was trying to keep her from kissing him, Now its time to kill a bitch.

Ashley:"YOU DEN FUCKED UP NOW BITCH!" She said pulling Cassidy down by her long hair.

Andre:"WOAH STOP ASHLEY, STOP LET HER GO!" He said trying to break them up.

While they were fighting every last guest rushed over to see what was going on.

Ashley:"BITCH I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" She said punching Cassidy in the face.

Cassidy:"SOMEONE GET THIS CRAZY BITCH OFF OF ME!" She said screaming while getting dragged across the floor.

Andre:"JUST DON'T STAND THERE SOMEONE HELP ME BREAK IT UP!" He said yelling at the guest.

After he yelled at them three men helped him break them up but Ashley was still trying to get back to her.



Ashley:"SHUT THE FUCK UP HOE!" She said picking up a vase and throwing it towards her.


After a couple of minutes everyone started to leave and Cassidy was the first one to get kicked out.

Andre:"Was that really necessary Ashley?" He said picking up trash.

Ashley:"Don't fucking talk to me right now." She said washing dishes.

Andre:"No were gonna talk about it now and I don't care if you like it or not!"

Ashley:"This is your damn fault anyways!" She said throwing a plate at him.

Andre:"Ayee you ain't gotta throw shit at me!" He said moving out of the way.

Ashley:"I don't give a flying fuck anymore and the fact that she was pushing up on you and you still wasn't really trying to get her off of you!" She said throwing another plate.

Andre:"What do you mean I wasn't trying to get her off!" "I was clearly telling her to stop trying to kiss me then you came and yanked her out of the closet!" He said walking towards her.

Ashley:"So what happened Tuesday night then you cheating motherfucker!"

Andre:"Nothing happened she said I got a little woozy and passed out so she let me sleep in her bed while she slept on the couch!"

Ashley:"That bitch a damn lie!"

Andre:"Instead of you trying to come for her all the time you need to fix your attitude and stop acting like a bitch all the damn time!"

Ashley:"Oh I'm a bitch now okay fine let me be that bitch for you today pack your shit and go live with her sense you like to be up her ass all the damn time!" She said walking away.

Andre:"Shit Ashley I'm sorry I didn't mean it."

Ashley:"Yes you did get the fuck out!"

Andre:"I'm not going anywhere this is my house to."

Ashley:"Well its not anymore okay and heres your ring back." She said throwing the ring at him.

Cassidy's Pov:I can't believe that bitch put her hands on me and then Andre has the nerve to kick me out but its all good cuz revenge is on the way all I need to do is get Andre in my bed again and I'll have two videos to send to her cuz I have a feeling I'll be getting fired soon but it's always good to get a little more revenge before it happens.

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