Back How Things Were

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~ Monday 1:20 PM ~

Summer's Pov:Last night after Brian fell asleep I decided to go back home. When I got there Ashley wasn't home to be honest I really miss her she's my damn best friend for gods sake and I don't know what I would do without her so I'm going to apologize first sense I was acting like a Bitch.

~ 20 Minutes Later ~

Ashley:"Damn Im tired as fuck." She said coming in the door.


Ashley:"Oh shit you scared the fuck outta me Summer."

Summer:"My bad I came back home last night:"

Ashley:"Oh you finally listened to me and found out Brian ain't right for you." She said sitting her bags down.

Summer:"Yeah about that I still love him but I don't want our relationship to go down hill because of it."

Ashley:"Sure you don't."

Summer:"Yeah I really don't."

Ashley:"I saw you and him and Christina on Tv yesterday arguing."

Summer:"I know when I saw it on Tv I was embarrassed as hell."

Ashley:"You know if you stay with him all your gonna deal with is baby mama drama."

Summer:"Here we go again why does everyone keep saying that even when I went to my interview they asked me how am I gonna deal with baby mama drama!"

Ashley:"Because you are we clearly see it!"

Summer:"See I came back to apologize not to get criticized by you!"

Ashley:"Okay fine Im sorry okay just calm down."

Summer:"Yeah me to Im sorry I don't know what I was even thinking getting back with him yesterday after we left that Bitch's appointment I asked him could we have a baby of our own he basically said no."

Ashley:"See I told you that nigga don't really love you cuz if he did wheres your damn ring."

Summer:"You right look Im sorry I want us to be BestFriend's again do you accept my apology."

Ashley:"Of course Bitch!" She said hugging her.

Brian's Pov:I woke up this morning without Summer by my side I tried calling her but she didn't pick I even texted her No response now Im starting to Rethink our relationship I don't think we are gonna work out like we was supposed to most likely she took her dumb ass back to Ashley to talk about our problems like she always do.

~ Brian & Christina's Convo ~


Brian:"Hey Christina."

Christina:"What do you want now."

Brian:"Look I'm sorry about everything thats been happening lately and I was wondering do you wanna live here when you finally decide to come back from Jamaica."

Christina:"Well I'm supposed to be going back down there tonight but sure."

Brian:"Good cuz I don't want you in your house by yourself you can live here theres more space."

Christina:"Okay I guess wait what about her."

Brian:"Oh Summer just ignore her if she starts anything I'll deal with her."

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