No Strings Attached?

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Summer's Pov:Last Night after me and Ashley's little movie and ice cream party. I had got a message from a Unknown Number saying Meet them at some Cafe Downtown I wasn't gonna go but then I changed my mind Because I wanted to know who it was texting me. This morning I woke up with a major headache so I really wasn't in the mood to be dealing with no mess. So I just hopped in the shower and put my hair in a messy bun it was chilly outside so I put on a black sweater with some dark bleached jeans and my red bottoms with my black Gucci glasses grabbed my bag and then I was out the door.

When I walked in I didn't see anyone Familiar there was only like four people on they laptops drinking coffee chillin so I just took the seat all the way in the back and waited for this special person to come.

~ 20 Minutes Later ~

I was really about to leave like this person was real live blowing me then the cafe door opened and guess who the fuck it was Brian's cheating ass at first I thought I was dreaming but nope I wasn't.

Brian:"Good Morning Beautiful." He said reaching down trying to hug her but only to get rejected."

Summer:"Why Bruh just why."

Brian:"Why what." He said sitting down.

Summer:"What the fuck do you want from me now Brian."

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