Bigger And Better Things

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Nick's Pov:I was just moving the rest of my things into my house I had rented weeks before I got here the reason it took me a while to finally get here is because I was to busy dealing with my mother. But now that I'm here I can focus on Bigger and Better things which is Christina I can't wait to tell her I'm here.

~ Christina & Nick's Text Convo ~

Hubby❤️😻💍:Hey Babe guess what.

Wifey👑❤️💍:Yes Honeybun 🤗.

Hubby❤️😻💍:I'm here in cali come to the house.

Wifey👑❤️💍:OMG I'm on my way I've missed you sooo much do you wanna meet  little Brian Jr.

Hubby❤️😻💍:Sure only if his father is okay with it cuz I ain't fighting no nigga today.

Wifey👑❤️💍:Oh don't even worry about him he ain't even home so there isn't anyone here to watch him so I'm bringing him I'll be there in 20 minutes.

Hubby❤️😻💍:Ard see you when you get here love you 😘.

Wifey👑❤️💍:Okay love you to 😘.

~ End Of Convo 20 Minutes Later ~

Nick:"Hey babyyy." He said opening the door.

Christina:"Hey honeybun." She said walking in and putting the carseat down.

Nick:"Where's my kiss." He said closing the door.

Christina:"Right here."

Christina then grabbed Nick by his shirt and gave him a nice deep kiss.

Nick:"Damn girl don't start nothing you can't finish now." He said laughing a little.

Christina:"I'm so tired Brian Jr has been keeping me up all night and his lazy ass father ain't no damn help with taking care of him either, I mean he buys diapers and milk and clothes but he doesn't change his dirty diapers he doesn't even feed him or anything." "The only thing he does is hold him and thats about it and he didn't even come home last night."

Nick:"Damn thats messed up I would never do that to my child and I mean that."

Christina:"Well thats good to know because one of these days I'll be pregnant again but with your baby."

Nick:"Your damn right." He said cheesing hard.

Ashley's Pov:Tonight me and Andre were going to a event to get out the house and I felt bad leaving Summer at the house by herself so I just brought her along.

Ashley:"Hey you having fun yet." She said yelling over the loud music.

Summer:"Its okay I guess."

Ashley:"Come dance with me."

Summer:"I don't feel like it Ashley."

Ashley:"Okay fine I won't push it I'll be back Im going to dance with Andre."

After a good 10 minutes Ashley finally found Andre and they ended up dancing the rest of the night while Summer sat at the bar looking lonely.

Summer's Pov:As We made our way out of the building Paparazzi was asking me all types of questions about me and Brian and I was getting extremely tired of it so I ended having one of my moments and popping the fuck off cuz I was irritated as hell.

Paparazzi:"Aye Summer is Brian cheating on you with Christina again we heard she had her baby, Does Brian have STD's there's a rumor going around about that, Summer are you Pregnant."

Summer:"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME NOW!" She said pushing everyone away.

After that everything grew quite until Summer noticed she just embarrassed herself in front of billions of people.

Ashley:"Come on Summer lets go before you embarrass yourself some more." She said grabbing her arm and leading her to the limo.

~ 1 Hour Later ~

Ashley:"What the hell was that Summer?"

Summer:"I really don't know to be honest."

Andre:"Well you better figure it out because everyone is trashing you on social media someone got it on video and it doesn't look good at all."

Summer:"Great now I'm looking stupid in front of everyone why can't they just leave me alone."

Andre:"Well you've been in public eye alot so there not gonna leave you alone."

Ashley:"This is crazy they even asked you did Brian have STD's."

Summer:"I know right and he doesn't cuz if he did I would been had myself checked."

Brian's Pov:I was on my way home when someone on Instagram tagged me in a video with it saying "Brian, Summer and Christina in a love triangle once again. After I watched the video I was so pissed off like why are they even in our business I even had some of my followers mention me in there stupid ass memes making fun of us this is some bullshit if you ask me.

~ Brian & Christina's Convo ~

Summer:"Yes I've already seen the video plenty of times."

Brian:"Look I'm really really sorry about all of this."

Summer:"I don't accept fuck you Brian."

Brian:"Look I said I'm sorry no need to cuss me out."

Summer:"Your a fucking asshole First you break up with me then you go and move with that bitch afterwards you get her pregnant then yah break up then next you end up back in my face asking me to marry you and shit, and all of a sudden you start falling in love with her again and now you wanna apologize you've done to much shit to me for me to take you back I'm sorry Brian but I'm done with you have fun with her."

Brian:"I'm sorry babe just forgive me please."

Summer:"Don't call me that we are done Brian out relationship is over with delete my number and don't ever talk to me again and I mean it."


Brian:"Well I can't say I didn't try." He said walking into his house.

Summer's Pov:From now on I'm staying clear of Brian I'm done I can't do it anymore he'll still have a place in my heart but I just can't handle it. Now its really time for me to move on with my life I hope I'll never fall for him again and make more stupid choices like I did once before.

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