Taking A Break

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Christina's Pov:It was the next day and it was about seven in the morning and I was just coming home with Brian Jr. I had called Brian plenty of times this morning but he didn't answer and when I put Brian Jr in his crib I looked all through the house and Brian was still no where in sight. Anyways I was to damn tired to look for his ass so I went to go take a nap in my room.

~ 3 Hours Later 9:10 AM ~

Andre's Pov:Today was Monday so I was busy in the office working hard as usual until I got rudely interrupted by Brian's loud ass on the phone yelling at someone like always.

Brian:"Well tell mark I said he needs to bring the prices down at the Restaurant!"


Brian:"I don't give a damn what you do just get it done I'll be down there later!"

Andre:"What the hell is wrong with you?"

Brian:"Im sorry man I'm just tired of every damn thing right now."

Andre:"Oh and what is that?" He said putting his feet up on the desk.

Brian:"Look Andre I don't have time for one of your I told you so moments."

Andre:"Who said it was one of those."

Brian:"Okay fine I'll tell you." He said sitting down.

Andre:"Well get with it I don't have a whole lot of time."

Brian:"Well first I think I'm falling for Christina again, second Summer broke up with me, and third I think Im losing my damn mind."

Andre:"Damn man well who fault is that."

Brian:"I know its mines but at the time I didn't know who I really wanted."

Andre:"Well answer this question who do you really love and I'm not talking about that fake love I'm talking about that real ass shit."

Brian:"Well I've always had feelings for Christina and at first I thought I didn't need Summer but now I do my mind is just fucked up right now."

Andre:"All I can tell you is stop playing games with there hearts cuz If I was one of em I would have been whooped your ass Brian and Im serious."

Brian:"Well Summer did punch the shit outta me once so...."

Andre:"And thats what the fuck you get now go fix the shit with them please I have a meeting to go to."

Ashley's Pov:I swear I'm so sick and tired of Brian's ass and Summer might be my BestFriend but she just as stupid as he is because I clearly told her not to fall into his little trap now she in my face crying and shit.

Ashley:"Look Summer Ima need you to stop all that crying cuz I told you in the first place he wasn't right for you and you didn't listen."

Summer:"I know but I love him I just couldn't let him go."

Ashley:"Well you need to let him go this time cuz Im tired of this shit."

Summer:"I just don't know what to do anymore I gave him every piece of love that I could offer and he still ain't satisfied."

Ashley:"Thats cuz he doesn't appreciate you."

Summer:"Maybe I mean I was doing fine before he even came back into the picture and what my dumb ass do fall right back into his arms and that sneaky ass bitch Christina didn't make it any better."

Ashley:"Didn't her ass have that baby yet."

Summer:"Yeah she had it yesterday."


Summer:"I know right I was supposed to be the one giving him his first child but no he had to go and cheat."

Ashley:"Well you can't hold on to everyone forever you have to learn to move on from him it might be hard but thats what you need right now."

Summer:"Yeah I guess your right."

Brian's Pov:When I got home Christina was sitting on the couch feeding Brian Jr I was so happy to see my son I didn't even know what to do with my self.

Brian:"Hey." He said in a low tone.

Christina:"Oh look Brian Jr its your I don't know how to pick up the phone cheating havin ass daddy."

Brian:"Really Christina I do not have the time for it right now."

Christina:"Whatchu mean you don't have the time for it I stood outside of the hospital this morning for two hours waiting for you to come and get us I even called you plenty of times and you still ain't answer!"

Brian:"Can we not do this around our kid please."

Christina:"Fine I'll be right back." She said standing up and walking towards the baby's room.

Brian:"Is this argument really needed at all can't we just talk."

Christina:"No we can't just talk cuz when we do that it turns into a argument either way." She said walking out of Brian Jr's room.

Brian:"Look I'm sorry is that what you've been waiting for." He said taking off his jacket.

Christina:"Ill accept it but why Brian why do you keep doing this to us."

Brian:"My head is just not in a right place right now okay.

Christina:"Sure it is it's always been." "Look I don't want you anymore I appreciate you letting me stay here and all but I've moved on with my love life Brian."

Brian:"Oh really now." He said sitting down.

Christina:"Yes really and he should be coming sometime this week or weekend."

Brian:"Wait is he supposed to be staying here cuz I ain't having that Christina and you know it."

Christina:"No he's not staying here he rented a house downtown so don't worry about it and if you don't mind I would like Him to meet Brian Jr."

Brian:"Hell no I'll watch him while you go see whoever this nigga is I don't want him around my son have you lost your mind."

Christina:"No I have not and you ain't listen to me when I said I didn't want That hoe Summer around him now did you!"

Brian:"First off I told her not to come so don't put it all on me!"

Christina:"Yeah whatever I'm taking him anyways so you can shut up now." She said getting up and walking away.

Brian:"Take my child outta here if you want to and watch what happens!"

Christina:"What the fuck you finna do kick me out I don't give two fucks to be honest!"

Brian:"Yeah we'll see."

I Tried To Make This Part Just A Little Longer For You Guys Hope You Enjoy It Leave Comments below If You Have Anything To Say. Brian Jr's Room In The MM

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