Truth's & Cheater's

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Summer's Pov:This morning I was at a interview for the GoodMorning Show Hosted by a man named John Morgan and he was really being nosey if you ask me.

John:"So Summer can you explain these pictures of you coming out of the store with a bag full of pregnancy test?"

Summer:"Um they weren't for me John." She said Nervously.

John:"You sure because you look like you were in a rush to get home and use them if you ask me."

Summer:"Well I'm telling you they aren't mine they were for a friend."

John:"Okay I guess but what was going on last night on Twitter people kept saying you were pregnant."

Summer:"There is a thing called rumors you know."

John:"Sure it is." He said smiling.

~ 1 Hour Later ~

Brian's Pov:"Watching that interview that Summer did this morning made me very suspicious because she looked hella nervous. And she kept messing up her words even though John was a little hard on her for no reason. After thinking about it for a little while I got up and went in our bathroom near the living room and I looked under the sink where I found all of the test in the bag. I looked at all the boxes and they were closed until I found one of the test at the bottom of the bag once I read what it said I thought my heart was about to stop.

Summer:"Hey Brian I'm home!" She said coming through the door.

Brian:"Shit." He mumbled under his breath.

Summer:"Hey babe what are you doi-" She said making eye contact with him.

Brian:"What does this stick say." He said lowly.

Summer:"Brian I-"

Brian:"Brian nothing what the fuck does it say Summer!" He said putting it in her face.

Summer:"It's Positive." She said turning and walking away.

Brian:"Hmm and I'm tryna find out how because last time we fucked I'm pretty sure I pulled out right." He said following her.

Summer:"Well clearly you didn't because I'm pregnant with your child Brian!"

Brian:"You must be fucking someone on the side cuz that ain't my child."

Summer:"Oh now I'm a cheater."

Brian:"You must be cuz I pulled out."

Summer:"Sometimes I wonder why I'm with you then you have the nerve to say I must be cheating when you fucking cheated on me with that fake big lip bitch!"

Brian:"Here you go trying to come for her and she not here to defend herself and yes I did cheat but that's because I didn't love you at the time and now that I do you end up pregnant out of nowhere."

Summer:"Fuck you!" She said going towards the stairs.

~ 30 Minutes Later Ashley&Summer's Convo ~

Ashley:"So is it his baby or not?"

Summer:"No its not."

Ashley:"So you cheated on him."

Summer:"Yes the hell I did."


Summer:"Because He cheated on me so I call it pay back."

Ashley:"Summer just because he did you wrong that doesn't mean you go and do him wrong even though I don't give two fucks about him but still who is the baby daddy."

Summer:"This guy I met at this club a couple of nights ago I already told him."

Ashley:"Wow Summer yah both got issues that yah need to handle Im on my honeymoon so I'll hit you later."

Summer:"Okay thanks bff love you enjoy your self."

~ End Of Convo ~

Brian:"So you did cheat?"

Summer:"Yup and I enjoyed it to."

Brian:"You Sneaky ass hoe."

Summer:"Oh now your little feelings are hurt."

Brian:"Yeah a little bit because I wanted this relationship to work out but I guess its not and wasn't you the one that didn't want Christina all up on me and you go behind my back and pull some shit like that."

Summer:"Like I said before Karma's a bitch."

Brian:"So are you in love with who ever this nigga is or what?"

Summer:"Nope I slept with him to get you back and sense you wasn't tryna give me what I want which is a baby I took it upon myself to find someone else oh and the ring is on the dining room table by the way."

Brian:"Why would you do this to me."

Summer:"Because I wanted revenge."

Brian:"So who's supposed to be taking care of that baby cuz I'm not."

Summer:"Me who else."

Brian:"What about this whole relationship and what about the baby's father."

Summer:"Don't worry about the baby's father and this relationship is over I only took you back because I wanted to make you feel the pain I went through when you cheated on me."

Brian:"So basically it was a whole little set up."

Summer:"Yup and it was planned very well if you ask me."

Brian:"Your lucky I don't hit women."

Summer:"I wish the fuck you would touch me bitch!"

Brian:"I want you gone by tomorrow morning and Im not fucking playing."

Summer:"Thats fine with me."

Summer's Pov:Yeah I know it's cruel but thats what he gets for messing with me and trying to run game on me I told him I wasn't fucking playing games anymore and what he do steady try to fuck with that other bitch so guess what I cheated on him with someone else and I finally got what I wanted.

So That Was A Huge Ass Plot Twist I Put In There. I Hope You Guys Enjoy And Don't Be Afraid To Comment 😘😘👋🏾

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