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~ 3 Days Later ~

Andre's Pov:Today Was my day off so I just wanted to chill out and relax. I was watching Tv when I heard a knock at my door I got up and went to go see who it was but it was obvious that it was Lauryn.

Andre:"What do you want Lauryn?" He said letting her in.

Lauryn:"My damn money."

Andre:"I will get it when I get ready." He said walking towards the couch.

Lauryn:"You promised me you would give it to me last week and you never did and I'll be leaving to go back to the UK soon so Ima need you to hand it over now."

Andre:"Okay lets make you a deal you keep on pretending to be my girlfriend and I'll pay you as we go along how does that sound."

Lauryn:"Fine but that doesn't mean you try to be slick and not pay me all of it." She said leaving out the front door.

Andre:"Yeah yeah whatever."

Brian's Pov:"Today I finally bought my own house and moved right out of Christina's house I haven't talked to her in like three days so I guess she's moving on. Lately I've been thinking about asking Summer to move in with me but I don't wanna take things to far just yet I want us to ease back into our relationship.

Ashley's Pov:After three days of waiting Summer had finally came back home Im just trying to understand what would she want with Brian after what he did to her.

Ashley:"Did you have fun?" She said walking towards her.

Summer:"Yeah why I was working for the weekend I told you that."

Ashley:"Are you sure you wasn't to busy digging in Brian's pants."

Summer:"Excuse Me?"

Ashley:"Excuse Me my damn ass when was you gonna tell me (Your quote on quote BestFriend) that you was getting back with Brian's nasty cheating ass."

Summer:"First off I don't need to tell you everything I'm planning on doing Ashley and why are you being so up tight about it."

Ashley:"Did you not forget what he did to you not to long ago!" She said throwing up her hands.

Summer:"He apologized Ashley calm down."

Ashley:"Yeah right like he actually meant it."

Summer:"Ashley your being a real Bitch right now!"

Ashley:"Oh really okay thats fine I hope he breaks your heart again." She said walking away."

~ 4 Hours Later ~

Summer:"Mmm Brian that was so good." She said climbing off of him.

Brian:"I could tell by the way you was Screaming." He said laughing.

Summer:"Shut up Im hungry though what you making for dinner."

Brian:"I was thinking Chicken Parmesan or Chicken Alfredo you pick."

Summer:"Ima go with Chicken Alfredo."

Brian:"Okay I'll be back with your food you stay up here and relax my Queen." He said getting up and putting on his boxers.

Summer:"Okay my King."

Summer's Pov:After Brian went downstairs I turned on the Tv to Celebrity news to see whats been going on until I saw a Interview going on with Ashley they asked her a question about me and her and I wasn't happy with her response neither and she had the nerve to call me a Bitch on Live Television.

Summer:"She really just fucking tried it!"

Brian:"What happened?" He said with the plate in his hand.

Summer:"Ashley just really threw me under the bus on live television watch when I see her it ain't gonna be pretty."

Brian:"Why are you even Trippen off her I told you she wasn't always a True friend and what you do not listen to me."

Summer:"Oh don't rub it in my face cuz you ain't perfect either." She said snatching the place out of his hands.

Brian:"Well I know that but I still told you so."

Summer:"Mmhm whatever."

Ashley's Pov:Yes I did just put her ass on the damn spot cuz she needs to learn that Brian ain't right for her the only reason why she wanna go back to him cuz she was obsessed with his ass when he didn't want her. And its so weird how all of a sudden he want her back and Im not about to let that happen.

Brian's House In The MM

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