Negative Attitudes

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Ashley's Pov:This morning I woke up to the house being silent as usual. Once again Summer wasn't here because she was to busy in Brian's bed but oh well she'll learn sooner or later. After finishing my morning routine I hopped out the shower lotion myself down got dressed and headed out the door on my way to work. When I got outside I noticed that my BMW was replaced with a all red Porsche. There was a Big gold bow at the top with a little card attached to it. I took it down and a little key fell out into my hand. I read the name on it and of course it was from Andre saying sorry and he just wanted to make me jealous and he's so damn stupid cuz I already had a feeling they weren't together by the way they looked in there pictures.

~Ashley and Andre's Convo~

Andre:"You finally decided to call me back."

Ashley:"Why Andre just why?" She said getting in her brand new Porsche.

Andre:"Because I did it to apologize duh."

Ashley:"I appreciate it but I don't want it."

Andre:"What why?" He said confused.

Ashley:"This is not the way I like my apologies Andre you should have never pretended to hook up with that hoe in the first place!"

Andre:"Oh so this is my fault now your the one that went sneaking behind my back with that nigga Shawn!"

Ashley:"And I told you that I was making him a suit for something and you took it a different way!"

Andre:"Im done talking meet me at my house after you get off tonight I'll be waiting."



Summer's Pov:As I was walking up to the building I worked in there was paparazzi everywhere crowding the doors windows and everything else. Once I was able to get through them and reach the door I swiped my key card to let myself in I saw Brian and Andre talking with my boss.

Summer:"Hey babe whats going on?"

Brian:"Me and Andre are thinking about buying this business from your boss isn't that great." He said smiling and wrapping his arms around her waist.

Summer:"Wait a minute why though you guys have your own business to take care of."

Brian:"Well Andre claims this would make our marketing better and we could have more people coming in."

Summer:"Okay I guess."

Andre:"Hey Brian can you excuse me and Summer for just a minute."

Brian:"Sure Ill go and make conversation." He said walking away.

Summer:"What is it?"

Andre:"Its about Ashley."

Summer:"Oh nope gotta go." She said trying to walk away.

Andre:"Wait." He said grabbing her arm.

Summer:"What?" She snatching her arm away.

Andre:"Shes coming over tonight what should I do."

Summer:"Ugh Why you asking me?"

Andre:"Clearly your her best friend."

Summer:"Well right now we aren't in the right place."

Andre:"Let me guess Brian."

Summer:"Yes but Im in love with him and she seems to have a problem with it."

Andre:"Well you do know that Christina is pregnant right."

Summer:"Yeah and."

Andre:"He has a baby on the way meaning when he does have that baby his attention won't be on you anymore."

Summer:"Whatever I don't need this from you if you wanna make Ashley happy put flowers everywhere dim the lights and bring lots of chocolate goodbye."

Andre:"Umm Thanks I guess."

Summer:"Mmhm." She said walking away.

~ 8 hours later 9:50 PM ~

Andre's Pov:After I finished putting all the chocolate around my bed there was a knock at the door and I already knew it was Ashley. I went downstairs to get the door when I answered it she looked at me like she never seen me with my shirt off before.

Andre:"You gonna come in or stand there and stare all night."

Ashley:"Oh shut up." She said walking in.

Andre:"Yeah okay how was your day." He said closing the door."

Ashley:"It was okay I guess nothing new so what did you need me over here for."

Andre:"Go upstairs and I'll show you."

Ashley then walked upstairs with Andre following when they made it into the room Ashley was surprised at what she saw candles everywhere it felt like she was in her own little world.

Ashley:"You did all of this for me?" She said turning around.

Andre:"Yep." He said walking towards her.

Ashley:"How did you know I like stuff like this Andre?"

Andre:"I have my ways oh and I ran you some bath water you should get in before it gets cold."

Ashley:"Okay I'll be right back then." She said stripping out her clothes on her way to the bathroom.

The rest of the night they spent in bed together doing whatever came to mind Ashley was finally happy that there relationship was taking a new turn on the right path instead of it crashing down.

Ashley's New Car In The MM

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