The Next Level

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Ashley's Pov:Last night was the best damn night ever Andre was putting in all types of work on me but I'm thinking we might take this relationship to the next level.

Andre:"Good Morning baby." He said rolling over facing her.

Ashley:"Good Morning."

Andre:"Did you enjoy last night?"

Ashley:"Yes I did and I need to go hop in the shower because I'm very sticky if you know what I mean." She said getting up.

Andre(Laughing) "Eww I got whip cream in my hair." He said pulling the covers off of him.

Ashley:"I must have dug in your hair really hard." She said walking towards the bathroom.

Andre:"I got scratches on my arm Thank You I appreciate it."

Ashley:"Your welcome now come here so I can give you some more."

Brian's Pov:Today I was going with Christina to her doctor appointment to see how the baby is doing she wanted me to come before she decided to go back to Jamaica.

Brian:"Summer I'll be back later on okay." He said opening the front door.

Summer:"I'm coming with you." She said grabbing her purse.

Brian:"Wait hollup you can't come with me today I have something to take care of alone."

Summer:"I already know its about that Bitch Christina I ain't stupid."

Brian:"No it's not now stay home."

Summer:"Sense when did you become my father." "If I wanna come I'm going to come." She said walking out the door.

Brian:"Oh god this ain't gonna be a good day for me."

~ 30 Minutes Later At The Hospital ~

Christina:"Great you finally decided to show up."

Brian:"Please don't start with me."

Summer:"Here babe I got you the soda you wanted." She said grabbing his hand.

Christina:"Oh hell to the no!"

Summer:"Whats the problem you mad or sum." She said with a large smile on her face.

Brian:"See this is why I wanted you to stay home."

Summer:"What so she can try to win you back fuck no I go wherever you go from now on except for when we gotta work of course."

Christina:"You letting this bitch control you now!"

Brian:"No its not like that look are we gonna check on the baby or not!"

Christina:"No but what I'm about to do is whoop her ass in a minute cuz she trying it!"

Summer:"Sit your pregnant ass down somewhere cuz you ain't finna do shit."


They both then stopped and looked at Brian who's face was now red as hell.

Brian:"Yah are both grown ass women!" "Not four year old kids now Christina all I wanna do is check on my child if you can't do that in peace then I'll leave and Summer you sit in the damn car cuz I'm about three seconds away from throwing your ass across the street!"

Summer:"But Bri-"

Brian:"Brian nothing here take the keys and go sit in the car I'll be right back and don't even think about trying anything cuz I can track my car!" He said throwing the keys at her."

Christina:"Thank you get rid of the Bitch."


Christina:"Sorry damn come on so we can get this over with."

~ 1 Hour Later ~

Brian:"Damn I'm tired." He said getting in the car."

Summer:"So what is it?" She said in a low tone.

Brian:"Its a Boy." He said turning the keys.

Summer:"Oh thats nice I guess."

Brian:"Yeah it is" "Whats wrong with you something don't seem right."

Summer:"Well you did just yell at me so thats apart of the reason."

Brian:"Okay so whats the rest of the reason?"

Summer:"I want a baby Brian."

Brian:"You say what now?" He said turning all the way around facing her.

Summer:"I want a baby."

Brian:"Your joking right?"

Summer:"Does it look like it."

Brian:"Yeah in my eyes it does you can clearly see I already have one on the way and you bring this shit up."

Summer:"I just thought it would be nice to have one even though that bitch is carrying your first one but still."

Brian:"I don't even wanna talk about it anymore I'm done with this conversation." He said pulling out the parking space and driving off.

Shawn's Pov:Lately I've been thinking of trying to get Katherine back but she was getting married to some nigga named Marcus I had heard that he was a good Friend of Andre Miller I don't even know whats so special about Andre though he ain't even all that to be honest.

Ashley's Pov:After me and Andre's little session in the shower I had got dressed in something comfortable to where around his house sense I was gonna be here all weekend I went back to lay on his big bed while he went out to go get us something to eat I turned on the Tv to see Brian, Christina and Summer's dumb ass standing outside the hospital arguing all three of them looked so damn stupid in that video I even thought about getting some popcorn cuz it looked like some dramatic ass show that you would see on Lifetime.

Andre:"Im back with the food." He said sitting the carry out bags on the bed.

Ashley:"Finally Im hungry as shit."

Andre:"Who is that on the Tv?"

Ashley:"Brian, his ex Christina and Summer."

Andre:"Oh really now what are they arguing about."

Ashley:"I have no clue to be honest they look stupid as fuck I told Summer stop fucking with him but she didn't wanna listen now she gotta deal with baby mama drama."

Andre:"Oh well."

Ashley's Pov:The rest of the day me and Andre chilled went another round and we went skinny dipping in his hot tub I swear I'm falling extra hard for this man I'm thinking about asking him could I move in but I'm not sure yet we'll see.

Andre's Room In The MM

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