Rethinking Things

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~ 1 Week Later ~

Brian's Pov:Me and Christina finally arrived in Jamaica and yes I changed my mind about going but the only reason why is because I really didn't trust her being here with my baby who knows what shit she'll try to pull, but anyways we were pulling up in her Mom's driveway. I ain't even gonna lie Jamaica got some nice ass houses if you ask me I might just rent one or buy one.

Paris:"Christina your finally here!" She said running towards Christina.

Christina:"Hey Mommy!" She said hugging her tightly.

They were hugging for some time until Paris finally noticed Brian.

Paris:"Oh you must be Brian." She said looking him up and down.

Brian:"Yes I am nice to meet you Ms.Clarice." He said holding out his hand.

Paris:"Ill shake your hand when I can be able to trust you."


Paris:"What I barely know his ass and Im kinda pissed that he didn't want to come down here to at least meet me."

Christina:"Lets just go inside please."

Paris:"Yeah it's hot as hell out here come on."

Brian picked up Christina's bags following them inside Paris showed them to the guest bedroom which was Christina's old bedroom.

Christina:"Well Ma I see you've done a lot of renovating sense I left."

Paris:"Well I had to do something I really couldn't stand the color in here anymore and I really didn't see the need to keep those old teddy bears."

Christina:"You threw away my stuff!"

Paris:"Yeah cuz you never came back to get them so I threw it all away."

Christina:"You could have mailed it to me."

Paris:"Christina its not that serious your a grown ass women what you need teddy bears and old decorations for."

Brian's Pov:They was getting on my damn nerves with all this damn arguing we was only here for like 5 minutes and they would not shut the fuck up and Christina ain't making it any better. Foreal though I wanted to leave but I couldn't cuz Christina was gonna trip like she always does.

Christina:"I swear I hate her sometimes." She said coming in the room and slamming the door.

Brian:"Well you the one that wanted to come so damn bad."

Christina:"Really you gonna blame it on me."

Brian:"Hell yeah cuz right now I can be at home in OUR house chillin and not listen to two women argue like three year olds."

Christina:"You know you really didn't have to come I could have came by my damn self Brian." She said while taking her clothes off to change.

Brian:"Well I came cuz I really don't trust you like that to be honest."

Christina:"Wait excuse me!" "What do you mean you don't trust me?" She said putting her pajamas on.

Brian:"I don't trust you because one your pregnant two you could be doing anything and three your mother bout crazy as hell."

Christina:"Wow so you calling me a hoe!"

Brian:"No Im just telling you what I meant."

Christina:"Why do you think I would be down here doing something I shouldn't when I'm pregnant with our child Brian are you serious right now!" She said tearing up.

Brian:"Oh god please don't start with the crying."

Christina:"Get the fuck out now!"

Brian:"What why all I did was tell you the truth." He said getting up.

Christina:"Get out Brian now go out or something I just don't wanna see you for a couple of hours!"

Brian:"Man whatever I'm out." He said opening the door and leaving.

Paris:"What did you do to her now?"

Brian:"Look Ms.Clarice I have respect for you and all but Ima need you to back off like foreal bruh."

Paris:"Well you the one calling my damn daughter a hoe and shit you betta be lucky her brothers ain't here cuz if they were your ass would be spread out on this goddamn floor!"

Brian:"Is that a threat?"

Paris:"It is if you want it to be." She said picking up her cellphone.

Brian:"Man Im gone bruh." He said walking out the front door.

Brian's Pov:I got in my car and drove right to the nearest hotel I had kept my bags in the trunk earlier because I knew I wouldn't last in her house long enough. When I got there I checked in went in my room and went right to sleep.

~ 3 hours later 9:33 PM ~

Brian's Pov:When I woke up I hopped in the shower and got out I heard there was a little party going on at the bar downstairs so I decided to go when I got out I put some comfortable black shorts on with a nice white polo shirt on with my black and white 12's sprayed some Gucci cologne on and went on my way. It took me a good five minutes to get into the room but I was able to get to the bar on time."

Brian:"Hey Can I get the blue mountain please."

Bartender:"Would you like a shot or a tall glass." She said smiling.

Brian:"Which Ever one gets me your name." He said cheesing.

Tonya:"Its Tonya whats your's?" She said sliding him the drink.

Brian:"Its Brian."

Tonya:"Well Brian I think your very Sexy." She said seductively.

Brian:"You are to what time do you get off?"

Tonya:"Around 10 my shift will be over."

Brian:"Good maybe you could meet me in room 123b on the 3rd floor."

Tonya:"Maybe." She said touching his hand.

Brian:"Well I'll catch you later." He said getting up.

Brian's Pov:Man Tonya had it all the body the pretty face her eyes was even beautiful
I don't know what came over me but when she came up to my room she was looking sexy as fuck she had a nice red corset piece on and everything I tore that ass to pieces to but then I started to Rethink things like why was I even doing this like I have a whole baby on the way and Im cheating on my girlfriend what the fuck is wrong with me nowadays.

Paris And Her House In The MM

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