The New Assistant Part 2

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~ Monday 3:40 PM ~

Ashley's Pov:After kicking that bitch out of my damn house last week Andre thought it would be fine to invite her out to lunch with us the next damn day, like who the fuck does he think he is and while we were eating all she kept doing was flirting with him and when I would try to talk to him she would interrupt me and talk about something else.

Andre:"Ashley what is the problem that you have with her?"

Ashley:"The problem is she's trying to take you away from me, come on now when we went to lunch did you not see what she had on!"

Andre:"There was nothing wrong with what she had on."

Ashley:"Mm of course you would say that you was to damn busy staring at her titties and her ass."

Andre:"Really Ashley, you know damn well I don't want her I want you."

Ashley:"Sure you do and the-"


Andre:"I got it." He said walking towards the door.

Cassidy:"Hey Andre!" She said hugging him.

Andre:"Oh Hey." He said in surprise.

Ashley:"You have gotta be kiddin me." She said crossing her arms.

Cassidy:"Oh hi you." She said letting Andre go.

Andre:"Here we go again." He said closing the door.

Cassidy:"I thought I would stop by and give you these cookies I made for you Andre." She said handing him a batch of cookies.

Andre:"Um thanks I guess." He said taking them.

Cassidy:"Try them there very good."

Ashley:"No he won't be trying them what you can do is get out." She said opening the door.

Cassidy:"Im not leaving until Andre try's them."

Ashley:"And bitch I said get the fuck out." She said getting in her face.

Andre:"Okay now I'll try them." He said getting one and biting it. "There very good now just leave I'll see you at work tomorrow."

Cassidy:"Thanks I appreciate it bye Mr. Miller." She said winking at him and leaving.

Ashley:"Can I kill her now."

Andre:"No you can't like I said she don't want me."

Ashley:"You must really think I'm stupid."

~ The Next Day 10:30 AM ~

Andre's Pov: I was just getting into the office and as soon as I opened my door Cassidy was right there sitting on my desk, and she had on this nude skin tight dress some dark red lipstick and her hair was curly with these nude pumps don't get me wrong she was looking good but I don't want her.

Cassidy:"Good morning Mr. Miller I got your coffee hot and ready for you and I got your newspaper." She said handing the items to him.

Andre:"Thanks Cassidy." He said sitting his things down on his desk.

Cassidy:"You know I've been thinking and I think I'm falling for you Andre." She said grabbing his shoulders.

Andre:"No Cassidy your not get off of me."

Cassidy:"I'm serious Andre I just have some really hard feelings for you I can't stop thinking about you." She said rubbing his chest.

Andre:"Stop!" He said pushing her away a little.

Cassidy:"But And-"

Andre:"If your not out of my office in the next three seconds your fired!"

Cassidy:"Okay fine I just wanted to let you know how I felt about you." She said leaving the office.

~ 5 Hours Later 3:20 PM ~

Andre's Pov:I decided to leave work early because I really didn't feel like seeing Cassidy but as usual everywhere I was she ended up right there, I was walking to my car when she caught up with me it was like she knew I was leaving early or something.

Cassidy's Pov:Andre is one hard man to please so I'm just gonna have to try harder.

Cassidy:"Andre!" She said running behind him.

Andre:"Yes Cassidy." He said turning around.

Cassidy:"About this morning I'm sorry about that Your married and I don't wanna mess up a happy home."

Andre:"I forgive you, I have to get home now."

Cassidy:"Wait before you go I wanted to know if you wanted to go out for drinks tomorrow night just as friends."

Andre:"Uh I'll think about it."

Cassidy:"Okay um I'll see you later then."

Andre:"Yeah see you later." He said walking away.

Cassidy's Pov:Now if I can get him to come with me tomorrow I can maybe get him in my bed.

Andre:"Ashley I'm home."

Ashley:"Hey how was work."

Andre:"It was okay I'm tired as hell though."

Ashley:"So did that bitch try anything."

Andre:"No Ashley." He said lying.

Ashley:"Okay just making sure Ima go and get started on dinner." She said kissing his cheek and walking towards the kitchen.

Andre's Pov:After talking to Ashley I went upstart to get ready for a shower when my phone went off with some text.

Cassidy🖊🗃:"Hey did you make up your mind yet."

Andre💏👅❤️🔐:"Yeah about that Ill pick you up tomorrow night around 8 but remember we are going as friends text me your address tomorrow."

Cassidy🖊🗃:"Sure thang 😉😏."

Yes This Part Is Very Short I apologize For That But I'm Doing This Late At Night So Bare With Me On That I Hope You Guys Like This Part Cassidy Is Really Trying It Don't Yah Think 😅

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