Apart Of Me

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~ 1 Month Later 3:40 AM ~

Christina's Pov:It was about three in the morning and I had woke up because of a sharp pain in my stomach. Now this never has happened before so I don't know what it could be but my main focus is on my baby.

Christina:"BRIAN!" She said getting up.

Brian:"Whats wrong." He said out of breath.

Christina:"My stomach is killing me and I think my water just broke."

Brian:"Oh shit wheres the bag?" He said looking around.

Christina:"Over in the corner hand me a pair of underwear and sweats out my top drawer."

Brian:"Here you go Ima go and wake up Summer and tell her I'm taking you to the hospital."

Christina:"No please don't wake her up I don't want her no where near my baby." She said changing her clothes."

Brian:"Fine I guess just hurry up." He said walking out.

~ 1 Hour Later ~

Christina's Pov:I couldn't believe that I literally just had a baby I mean I am very happy but It was all a surprise to me and we decided to name him Brian Jr Williamson I was gonna give him my last name but then I changed my mind about it he was premature to and really small my doctor told me that this was his first time birthing a premature baby to. Now I really gotta get my shit together just for him.

Brian:"He's so perfect." He said picking him up.

Christina:"Yeah and he looks so much like you to."

Brian:"Yeah thats dem good genes."

Christina:"Boy shut up." She said laughing.

Summer:"I've finally made." She said walking in.

Christina:"What the fuck is she doing here?"

Brian:"Thats what I'm tryna understand didn't I tell you to stay home Summer."

Summer:"Yeah but I felt like coming anyways."

Christina:"See I ain't pregnant no more I'll beat your ass."

Summer:"Bitch please I ain't even here for you I'm here for Brian."

Christina:"Brian get her the fuck outta here now."

Brian:"Look what yah not gonna do is start that arguing around my child Summer why would you come if I told you not to."

Summer:"Cuz I felt like it."

Christina:"No you clearly came here to start shit bitch and Ima finish it this damn time."

Summer:"This is why I don't want her living with us cuz of her attitude."

Brian:"Well thats not your decision."

Summer:"Sure it isn't but soon it will be."

Brian:"If you keep acting crazy then it really won't be."

Ashley's Pov:Today I decided to stay in the house cuz I wasn't in the mood for no one to be in my face I even Called out of work. Every sense me and Andre's argument we've been ignoring each other he's been sleeping in one of the guest rooms while I sleep in our bedroom and to be honest I do miss talking to him and it's been a whole month. I've tried to apologize but he just shuts me out.

Ashley:"So when are you gonna talk to me Andre?" She said sitting next to him on the couch.


Ashley:"I've apologized for going off on you like plenty of damn times why are you being so damn petty!"

Andre:"Because I love you okay!"

Ashley:"So if you love me so damn much why haven't you talked to me."

Andre:"Because at the time I was mad."

Ashley:"Well being mad isn't always the damn answer."

Andre:"You remember that night we argued?"


Andre:"I was drunk thats why I got out of control at Brian's house."

Ashley:"Well why didn't you tell me that in the first damn place."

Andre:"Cuz I didn't want you to call off our engagement."

Ashley:"Babyy I wouldn't do that as long as you tell me the truth."

Andre:"I know and Im sorry."

Ashley:"Mmhm I forgive you."

Summer's Pov:Me and Brian finally made it back home while that bitch stayed at the hospital because she supposedly staying there over night thats fine with me so I can have him to my damn self.

Brian:"Summer your losing it man."

Summer:"How when she's the one that started it."

Brian:"Your the one that has a problem with her for some stupid shit from months ago!"

Summer:"You know I heard what you told her that night."

Brian:"What are you talking about?"

Summer:"Oh you know you told her that you missed her!"

Brian:"What was you doing peeping on our conversation for!"

Summer:"First off I was walking to the damn kitchen when you told her so don't put it all on me!"

Brian:"Why are you acting like this all of a sudden!"

Summer:"Cuz you hurt my feelings I've been holding it in for a long ass time now." "And sense shes not here at the moment I wanted to ask you are you still in love with her because if you are theres no point of me being here!"

Brian:"Now your talking cra-"

Summer:"Answer me do you still love her!" She said in a hurtful tone.

Brian:"A little bit but not as much."

Summer:"Thats all I needed to hear." "Here's your ring back!" She said throwing it at him.

Brian:"Are you really about to do this Summer."

Summer:"Yes because I'm tired of you playing with my emotions!" She said opening the door and walking out.

Sorry This Chapter Is Short But Next Chapter will Be A Little Longer. Brian Jr In The MM 😍👶🏽

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