A Bad Business Trip

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Ashley's Pov:As soon as I opened the door I instantly froze I just don't know why he won't leave me alone he's like a little child who would eat a piece of candy and keep coming back for more.

Ashley:"Wayne what are you doing here?" She said stepping back a little.

Wayne:"Ashley I just couldn't stay away from you I just had to come and see you."

Ashley:"Wayne I don't want you okay get that through your head." She said trying to close the door.

While Ashley tried to close the door Wayne overpowered her and pushed her back while the door swung all the way open hitting the wall a little.

Wayne:"Now listen and shut the fuck up Ashley I don't wanna hurt you but your gonna sit here and listen to what I have to say." He said closing the door and locking it.

Ashley:"Stay away from me." She said crawling toward her bed.

As Ashley crawled to the bed Wayne grabbed her by her bra and pulled her towards the wall and then held her by her neck.

Wayne:"Didn't I tell you to shut the fuck up!" He said squeezing her throat harder.

Ashley:(Gasping for air)

Wayne:"Thats what I thought." He said letting her go.

Ashley:"Yo- Your crazy." She said trying to breath.

Wayne:"I'm sorry it's just that I love you." He said trying to grab her arm.

Ashley:"No don't fucking touch me Wayne you've gone to far this time." She said smacking his hand away.

Wayne:"Stop cursing at me!"

Ashley:"I'll do what the fuck I wanna do you don't control me!" She said getting up.

Wayne:"You know what sense you don't wanna listen to me I got sum for your ass." He said grabbing her and throwing her on the bed.

Ashley:"Get off of me!" She said trying to push him off.

While Ashley struggled to get Wayne off of her, Wayne ripped her panties off and threw them to the side and pulled his pants down and forced himself into her, Ashley couldn't do anything but cry because she knew if she tried anything else he would hurt her or worse.

Andre's Pov:I was trying to call Ashley but she wouldn't pick up so after a while I just stopped because I had a feeling she probably fell asleep already and I know she had to be tired because all of the work she's been doing all day.

Brian:"Aye man can you take me home already I've had enough to drink for the night."

Andre:"Nope we only been here for half an hour calm down go dance or something."

Brian:"Fine I can always walk home I'm sure my house ain't that far from here." He said getting up.

Andre:"If you walk it's gonna take u a while to get home it took me almost two hours to get here so what makes you think your gonna be home in less than an hour."

Brian:"I don't know man I'm just out of it tonight, I got two baby mamas Christina is just irritating and then you got Summer she don't know what she wanna do with herself."

Andre:"Thats your fault you should have never played with both of there feelings now you sitting here looking stupid."

~ The Next Day 8:00 AM ~

Ashley's Pov:After Wayne got finished doing what he was doing to me last night he got up and put his clothes on and left, I couldn't even go to sleep after that I just couldn't get it out of my head that he would do something like that to me. I was so tired to the point I couldn't get out of bed and I had work today I felt so sick to my stomach to the point where I wanted to throw up. Forcing myself out of bed I was able to get to the bathroom when I looked at myself in the mirror I saw the bags under my eyes the scratches on my body and the hickeys he left even the mark around my throat from him trying to choke me to death. An hour passed by and I got ready for work when I was looking around the room I didn't find any condom then thats when I started to worry because what if I'm pregnant by him. How was I gonna tell Andre this happened if he finds out he'll think I cheated on him while I was here. When I got into my uber my phone started ringing and thank god it was only Summer because If it was Andre I wouldn't know what to say.

Ashley:"Hello." She said dryly.

Summer:"Hey um whats up with your voice."

Ashley:"Oh it's nothing I was yelling yesterday and I guess I'm starting to lose my voice a little thats all."

Summer:"Oh okay so how's the trip going so far."

Ashley:"Its okay I guess."

Summer:"Okay... just okay you mean to tell me it ain't wonderful, awesome, the time of your life anything?"

Ashley:"Summer I gotta go I'll call u back later I'm about to start work in a couple of minutes." She said getting out of the car and walking inside the store.

Summer:"Oh um okay have a nice day."

Ashley:"You to bye."


Summer's Pov:Thats weird Ashley sounded really worried on the phone she usually doesn't act like that I guess its that time of the month I'll just give her a little bit of space Until she comes back.

Hey guys yes this part is short but hopefully I can make the next part a little longer. So how do you guys feel about the plot twist? Do you guys think Andre will find out? Make sure to comment down below and I appreciate you guys for reading enjoy 😘😘.

Ashley's Hotel Room In The MM

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