Second Chances

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Ashley's Pov:Today was my day off of work and all I've been doing was calling Andre it's been a whole two weeks sense our little fallout because of Shawn speaking of him I found out that him and Katherine mysteriously broke up three days later I had read it in a magazine if he thinks he's getting with me he got the game fucked all the way up cuz my attention is all on Andre right now.

Ashley:"Hey Andre it's me Ashley Um please give me a call back as soon as you get the chance bye." (Hanging up)

Summer:"After all them damn tries and you still tryna call his ass?"

Ashley:"Yeah I just don't understand what did I do so damn wrong when it was clear that Shawn started it." She said walking in the kitchen.

Summer:"I think Shawn is obsessed with you or something."

Ashley:"Maybe and whats so weird is that three days after I found out he broke up with his girlfriend Katherine." She said pouring her a cup of fruit punch.

Summer:"Wait Katherine Moses the model?"

Ashley:"Yes Why."

Summer:"I fucking love her bruh like the way she works the runway." She said mimicking her walk.

Ashley:"You are so damn silly."

The phone had rung Ashley rushed over to answer it only for it to be for Summer.

Ashley:"Here you go its for you."


Ashley:"Ughh." She said with a loud groan.

Brian's Pov:I arrived home from a long ass meeting with Andre and the head board counselor for our business and it seems like to me everything was running smoothly so I don't know why Andre was even tripping over some damn money maybe he need a vacation and let me take care of things for a while.

Brian:"Christina where you at!"

Christina:"Im in the living room oh on your way in here can you grab my pickles off the counter and bring me the peanut butter!"

Brian:"Eww." He said grabbing the stuff and taking it to her.

Christina:"Shut up its called cravings for a reason."

Brian:"How was your day baby."

Christina:"It was better then I expected my mom called and asked if we could visit her next week in Jamaica."

Brian:"Woah Um don't you think thats a little to quick I mean the baby ain't even here yet."

Christina:"Oh calm your ass down it's only for a week." She said as she bit into her pickle.

Brian:"Ill think about it."

Christina:"No we are going and your gonna like it I think its time you met my family anyways."

Brian:"I already met some of the family you got here ain't that enough."

Christina:"What the hell is wrong with you why are you acting like this?" She said throwing the plate on the coffee table and standing up.

Brian:"Nothing and Ima need you to stop throwing our stuff."

Christina:"Shut the fuck up Brian your being a Bitch right now!" She said walking away.

Brian:"Thats why we not going now!"

Christina:"Fine I'll leave and I'm taking MY baby with me!"

Brian:"Yeah whatever!"

Andre's Pov:I was laying down thinking if I should give Ashley a call but instead I just called one of my niggas over for some drinks and to catch up.


Andre:"Wassup nigga." He said opening the door and dapping him up.

Marcus:"Man wassup how you been." He said closing the door behind them.

Andre:"Nothing much just tryna keep up with business and shit what you been up to."

Marcus:"Man a nigga got engaged the other day."

Andre:"Foreal who's the lucky women?" He said throwing him a beer.

Marcus:"Her name is Katherine Moses."

Andre:"Oh damn uh okay."

Marcus:"Whats wrong why you acting like that?" He said taking a sip of his drink.

Andre:"Cuz Katherine Moses the model she just broke up with her ex Shawn Tyson like last week I believe."

Marcus:"I know whats the problem with that?" He said giving him a side look.

Andre:"Nothing man Nothing."

Marcus:"Nah go ahead speak your mind."

Andre:"Nah I don't wanna hurt your feelings."

Marcus:"I can take it just go ahead already."

Andre:"Okay um don't you think thats kinda a hoe move?"

Marcus:"No not at all."

Andre:"Okay Marcus whatever you say but I met this women the a couple of weeks a go and we went out on a date I was about to get some until the nigga Shawn showed up and I really didn't know who he actually was at the time until I saw him in the magazine with Katherine."

Marcus:"Damnn thats weird as fuck doe."

Andre:"Yeah man I was surprised as shit and it really hurt my feelings."

Marcus:"Thats crazy as hell man but I gotta go pick up Katherine so we could plan our wedding Ima hit you up later." He said getting up and heading to the door.

Andre:"Ard man."

Andre's Pov:Later that night my mind was all types of fucked up and I really needed someone to talk to so I called Ashley back and she apologized for everything and told me it was a misunderstanding I forgave her though I can't stay mad at her forever but we talked all night on the phone until we fell asleep. I always believed in Second Chances so it wasn't that hard to forgive her.

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